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  1. #16
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    Size matters!!!

    I recently inquired about the tape that some have mentioned in previous replies and told that for my planned pergola which would have approx 12-13 sheets side by side that i would definitely need to use noise stop tape.

    I am putting two sheets side by side, in a veranda, and have been told that the tape would not be necessary for this.

    Gumby how did those screws with the cutter go? Are they worth the extra $$ for convenience of not having two drills on the roof with you?


  2. #17
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    Just finished putting that noise reduction tape under the laserlite and it's fixed the problem

    I think the main problem was that the builder asked mne to paint the top of the beams before he put up the laserlite sheets. It eems the plastic paint (Solarguard) doesn't allow the laerlite sheets to slide at all and so you get a lot more noise than you would if the sheets were sitting on unfinished timber.

    Instead of removint the sheets completely, I just cut the tape into small strips and slid it in under the sheet. Worked a treat.

    Thanks for all the help people. We can have our GF BBQ without me worrying about the thing creaking all day.

    In answer to the previous question.
    The hole cutters are great. They leave a larger hole than the screw whixch is what you need to allow for expansion.
    If at first you don't succeed, give something else a go. Life is far too short to waste time trying.

  3. #18
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    Yeah - so you much be a rich bugger, cause they cost a bloody fortune.

    I looked at those, and bought bags of 200 for $25 (for the normal ones, and not the laserlight branded ones). My mate and I were up there with 2 drills each- one for the 10mm hole, and one to drive the bolt. Saved my money for genuine laserlight (actually it was by far the cheapest after doing a lot of shopping around, and Bunnings was by far the cheapest source :eek: )
    "Clear, Ease Springs"

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gumby View Post
    We can have our GF BBQ without me worrying about the thing creaking all day.
    Thats fine, but what about the laser light?


  5. #20
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    You get this cracking noise when the sheets heat up or cool down, it is caused by contraction and expansion of the sheet on the screw causing the cracking noise, its not the sheet its the sheet on the screw. You can now buy Laserlight screws especially for plastic or acrylic Laserlight roofing that has a saw tooth up the middle of the shank and makes a bigger hole to allow for the contraction and expansion of the sheet. Also has a bigger rubber seal to hold it down firm under C and E. So go out and buy these screws and you shouldnt have any more cracking from the roof.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaun04 View Post
    You can now buy Laserlight screws especially for plastic or acrylic Laserlight roofing that has a saw tooth up the middle of the shank and makes a bigger hole to allow for the contraction and expansion of the sheet. Also has a bigger rubber seal to hold it down firm under C and E. So go out and buy these screws and you shouldnt have any more cracking from the roof.
    If you actually bothered to read the thread, in post #1 you would have seen that these are the screws that Gumby used.

    I wish people would bother actually reading the whole thread before putting in their 2c :mad:

    So given that he DID use the screw that you have said would prevent the noise, how come it was still there until the noise reduction tape was place between the sheets and the roof? Oh, wait - I guess you didn't read that bit either.
    "Clear, Ease Springs"

  7. #22
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    Shaun, thanks for the input but as i said in my previous post, it's now fixed. I already had those screws with the larger hole. That was the first thing I checked. It was the sheets rubbing on the plastic paint causing the problem.

    Stu, I had those screws because that's what the builder used. I have no idea what they cost but he would have built it into his costs anyway. I didn't have much choice.
    If at first you don't succeed, give something else a go. Life is far too short to waste time trying.

  8. #23
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    Lucky bugger - they are about $120 for a packet of 250. Compared to $25 for 200 that I bought (where I had to drill a 10mm hole before screwing them in). Didn't take long - we had the whole deck done in about 2 hours (9m x 3.5m)
    "Clear, Ease Springs"

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart. View Post
    If you actually bothered to read the thread, in post #1 you would have seen that these are the screws that Gumby used.

    I wish people would bother actually reading the whole thread before putting in their 2c :mad:

    So given that he DID use the screw that you have said would prevent the noise, how come it was still there until the noise reduction tape was place between the sheets and the roof? Oh, wait - I guess you didn't read that bit either.
    Geez gettin a bit too fiesty there mate, i did read the thread, just prob didnt realise he used the same screws.

    Far out try to give some helpful info and people have a go at you, youre not a Sparky by any chance?

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaun04 View Post
    you're not a Sparky by any chance?

    No but he can spark.


  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaun04 View Post
    youre not a Sparky by any chance?
    What's that supposed to mean:confused:
    "There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."

  12. #27
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    Hey Gumbee,

    with laserlite you can't just use any old screw you have to use ones with a saw located on the shaft of the screw, this cuts a bigger hole in the laserlite which allows for expansion and contraction.

    If you put those in then you won't have any more noise - mind you they are more expensive than standard roof screws, but you don't get the noise

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  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigidi View Post
    Hey Gumbee,

    with laserlite you can't just use any old screw you have to use ones with a saw located on the shaft of the screw, this cuts a bigger hole in the laserlite which allows for expansion and contraction.

    If you put those in then you won't have any more noise - mind you they are more expensive than standard roof screws, but you don't get the noise

    Please tell me you are kidding :confused:
    If at first you don't succeed, give something else a go. Life is far too short to waste time trying.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigidi View Post
    Hey Gumbee,

    with laserlite you can't just use any old screw you have to use ones with a saw located on the shaft of the screw, this cuts a bigger hole in the laserlite which allows for expansion and contraction.

    If you put those in then you won't have any more noise - mind you they are more expensive than standard roof screws, but you don't get the noise


    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart. View Post
    If you actually bothered to read the thread, in post #1 you would have seen that these are the screws that Gumby used.

    I wish people would bother actually reading the whole thread before putting in their 2c :mad:

    So given that he DID use the screw that you have said would prevent the noise, how come it was still there until the noise reduction tape was place between the sheets and the roof? Oh, wait - I guess you didn't read that bit either.

    Is it ground hog day? :confused: :confused: :confused:


  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigidi View Post
    Hey Gumbee,

    with laserlite you can't just use any old screw you have to use ones with a saw located on the shaft of the screw, this cuts a bigger hole in the laserlite which allows for expansion and contraction.

    If you put those in then you won't have any more noise - mind you they are more expensive than standard roof screws, but you don't get the noise

    Actually, no you don't have to buy them - they are very expensive.
    Agree though - you do need an oversized hole (10mm diameter), but there is no reason why you can't pre-drill the hole before screwing the laserlight down. Just means it is a 2 part operation, which is still pretty easy (especially if you have 2 drills - one for cutting the 10mm hole, one for screwing in the roof screws)

    As I said a couple of posts ago.
    "Clear, Ease Springs"

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