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  1. #61
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    Totally agree Schoo... Jedi you dont have a freekin clue of what your talking about!

    Working on site can be the absolute pits... here temps in summer range and fluctuate between 30 and 42C in the shade thats when the brickies work best... when its winter 9 days out of 10 the buggars dont work cause... its too friggin wet! but Ive experienced the results of a brickie workin in the rain so they do it... then theres the sporodic spring and autumn weather to cope with... the travel the hours etc etc

    I got smart and got out years ago but I wont ever forget how friggin hard backbreakin that work was and how I earnt every friggin centablo I was paid

    I got out and got into a "profession" that paid exceptionally well gave me much time at home with the kids and missus and was great... then I got out of that for other reasons related to stress... now I work for an hourly rate travel away from home 2 weeks on 1 week off have a plan that Im workin to and will stop in exactly 4 years and 3 months having paid of our home loan and invested... I am now paid about double what I was in either the trades or as a "professional" without the stress worry days off without pay insurance etc etc AND... am loving it! See I think we go through cycles of our working life I think we should all assess re-assess and consider changing career paths if we find it untenable in the present one... $14 per hour? I wont even get out of bloody bed for $14 an hour! mind you I also wont raise my head of the pillow for 800 per thou bricks either! I love my mine job!! its just sooooooo easy!

    ahem... sorry got sidetracked!!

    Now I reckon the question asked is wrongly worded... its not the tradie contractor whos a bastard but the bloody company jonnies that are turds those shyteheads who sit in aircon offices in white shirts and ties takin the orders and talkin the business up that are the bastards those dipsticks that probably havent worked a damned day on a site in their friggin lives get the 6 figure income and dont give a flyin purple rats buttock cheek about the blokes on the site workin to keep the business working so that dipstick can get his friggin white shirt tie bmw AND 6 figure income! :mad:

    Are all tradesmen bastards?
    No... some definantly are some absolutely have no bloody idea what work is about let alone good quality work but some are genuine good blokes eckin out a crust with their hands and are proud of their work do a good job and stand by their work... but Ive had my issues with so called tradesmen over the years and some I wouldnt give a phart to let alone pay them money for the shoddy "work" they do... but Id say most are of the type who do work hard and do a good job

    Are business people management and psydo management people bastards

    Yes... most are and wouldnt have a friggin clue! and dont give a damn either way!... the bottom line the $$ is what interests them and if they see a way of lowering their outgoing and increasing the incoming they will use it!! regardless!!

    What can you do about the situation you find yourself in? well... legally Id recommend you go see a lawyer that deals in this sorta thing and get some advice!... second get out and find some more work! Does the brickie trade still work mostly by word of mouth? been a fair while (lets say 20+ years since I was in the trade) Your work and your word should be out there already just a matter of knockin on some doors

    Look mate... I dont know about Queensland sunny or otherwise but mate if you head over here theres friggin gold in them thar bricks!!! MAN!! Were screamin LITERALLY screaming for brickies chippies and other tradies here in the West... get your ass over here for a couple of years make some serious money then head home if you still want... not guarenteed of course that you will want to return to Victoria but hey make some good money while the sun shines on the industry over here and while your body still can!

    All the best with it mate

    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Give Naomi Robson a call. I hear she's looking for a good story at the moment...
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Tolmie - Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by silentC View Post
    Give Naomi Robson a call. I hear she's looking for a good story at the moment...
    And it won't require any visas but are there any 5 star hotels near the Craporium for her to stay in whilst filming the documentary?
    - Wood Borer

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    as a rough calculation, to get about $14.30 per hour in their pocket, a contractor has to charge about $32/hr

    I would think its a lot more than that. With the calculations done previously no ones taken into account book keeping and accountants fees. and all the other leeches that have you constantly with your hand in your pocket.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by silentC View Post
    Give Naomi Robson a call. I hear she's looking for a good story at the moment...

    Awwh crap, I hope this building mob dont intend on eating me too..

    Al :eek:

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Waauugghh!! Chill out chewbakkas, just asked a question.

    For the record dudes, I do know a thing or two. I have worked on site before
    many times as a carpenter and a BRICKLAYER ! Yes a bricklayer. (Notice I didn't what control).

    Guess where I worked as a carpenter and Tassie!!!!!!
    You want cold wet muddy weather??? good place for it ehh??

    Agh! assumption is the mother of all F#%* ups. (Opps)!

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    back in Alberta for a while


    Quote Originally Posted by jedi View Post
    I have worked on site before
    many times as a carpenter and a BRICKLAYER ! Yes a bricklayer. (Notice I didn't what control).

    Guess where I worked as a carpenter and Tassie!!!!!!
    You want cold wet muddy weather??? good place for it ehh??
    that's why you moved to Brisvegas?

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Warwick, QLD


    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    as a rough calculation, to get about $14.30 per hour in their pocket, a contractor has to charge about $32/hr

    I used to manage a wood machining workshop with my dad. We used to work on that production had to be 5 times everyones combined wages to make a profit. I got $19.87 per hour (award wage) so I had to produce at least $100 of saleable goods per hour, the oher bloke had to do $75 per hour and so on.

    I know it sounds high, but this covered material costs, power, superannuation etc and a bit for those days when we had no work and had to spend the time cleaning/maintainence on the machines.
    Have a nice day - Cheers

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    that's why you moved to Brisvegas?
    Moved to the Gold Coast to get some good weather and... Hang on!


    Oh crap!

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Wagga Wagga


    I don't think anyone ever gets particulary well off by to-days standards doing tradework(brickwork in particuliar)I've been a bricklayer for thirty seven years and have worked for myself since 1974.We have always had a decent standard of living and have brought up 3 kids but it often took a fair bit of getting

    I've seen lots of quite times where I"ve had to go on the road and try to pick up a quid wherever I could.Sometimes this would be in the cities (Sydney,Melbourne,Brisbane,Canberra etc,etc,)and also all througout the bush areas.We have no security of payment,no conditions,never any accomodation paid,which would sometimes take about a third of your income in the city areas and often worked with blokes who didn't like the fact that "blowins"had come into their area.

    And when things were quite everywhere you just had to "meet the market"and work for rubbish wages to keep going.As everyone who is a "fair dinkum"subbie knows the building trade can be a tough one to survive in but I still enjoy it (must be addictive Al)The way that most tradesmen around my area get ahead is by building and selling their family homes every few years.Me and my son do a couple of 'spec"homes each year these days and get just as much out of these as we do from sub-contract bricklaying.

    Back to your problem Al,why don't you get the $800 per 1000 from that mob and then fight over the balance?Or have you already done that? Ive just come back from Perth and even though the place is very busy they seem to be coping with the workload and the prices are not much better then they are over here.
    My son and I went over there to help my nephew set up his bricklaying business and he has lots of work but as I said,not getting much more than us.But he will do better because of the nature of the work(solid brick jobs with common bricks inside and often outside)

    Not sure if it is a carpenters paradise either as they are still cutting out and "pitching"all their roofs and of course with solid brick the fix-outs are a bit more time consuming (fixing skirtings,architraves,etc)Also, all the houses are rendered and then they "float and set" or you might call it "white set"all the interior walls which is quite a job also and they were cheaper than renderers in Wagga so even though there is heaps of work I don't think gangs of two subbies (and most of them seem to be set up that way)would be making a fortune.Of course the developers are making a killing with the land prices etc.But thats another story.

    Anyway Al,
    hope you sort out your problem (most probably by leaving)and get your money.Good luck Terry.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Gold Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by Wild Dingo View Post

    Now I reckon the question asked is wrongly worded... its not the tradie contractor whos a bastard but the bloody company jonnies that are turds those shyteheads who sit in aircon offices in white shirts and ties takin the orders and talkin the business up that are the bastards those dipsticks that probably havent worked a damned day on a site in their friggin lives get the 6 figure income and dont give a flyin purple rats buttock cheek about the blokes on the site workin to keep the business working so that dipstick can get his friggin white shirt tie bmw AND 6 figure income! :mad:

    Well said.

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