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6th August 2006, 08:34 PM #1
Any Excel nerds out there that can offer assistance
Gday guys n gals
Got a problem... I'm trying to calculate costing based on volume in an excel spread sheet. The basic details are: I punch in the Length, width and depth of the container the spread sheets produces a total between 100L and 600L. I now need to figure out how to determine the price. The catch is the price isn't linear. 100L will cost more per letre than 200L and so on. I've tried to create an IF Nesting function to take the volume calculated in an above cell and produce a price based on 100 - 200 litres costing X amount and 200 - 300L costing y amount and so on up to 600 Litres. But after struggling with it most of the day I'm not sure if I'm on the right track. Got any ideas.
6th August 2006, 08:42 PM #2
several columns, one for each of the prices?
i.e. a1 = the volume calculation
column b = volume 1lt - 100lt on 100lt cost based formula
column c = volumes 100 - 200lt on 200lt cost based formula
Excel is a bit of a dog if you dont have the 'for dummies' manual isn't it?
6th August 2006, 09:28 PM #3
I'd tackle this problem with a custom function written in VBA.
If you'd like a hand with that, I'd be happy to help. I'll need to know the breaks eg at what volumes does the price change and the price for each volume.
I hope I've explained that clearly. :confused:
Mark.I wanted to become a brickie but my old man said "No son, learn a trade."
6th August 2006, 09:39 PM #4
Jeeeeze, he calls you a nerd...then aks for help!!
The attached excel sheet, has an example of a nested formula which has 7 pricebreaks.
In example
Volume to be priced is in A3
Price as per pricebreaks is in C3 (+formula)
Pricebreaks are in cells E1 -> K1
Any problems give me a hoy.
ps. May (probably) be easier ways to do this.Chris
Life isn't always fair
....................but it's better than the alternative.
6th August 2006, 10:46 PM #5
Really appreciate the help guys. I had a look at the formula and I think I was off a bit as to the direction I was going. The break down as to what my parameters are:
The volume will be from 100 to 600 in increments of 100. so 100 to 199.9, 200 to 299.9, 300,399.9, 400 to 499.9... Each of these different volumes will have a different price associated with it. But the prices wouldn't accumulate. They would set the price for all of the volume measured. If that makes any sense (it's late for me). And if that weren't enough I want to also incorperate that if the minimum and maximum were exceeded a "not available" would pop up instead of price.
6th August 2006, 11:20 PM #6
Originally Posted by Toolin Around
IF(OR(C3<100,C3>600),"not available",IF(C3<200,C3*A5,IF(C3<300,C3*A6,IF(C3<400,C3*A7,IF(C3<500,C3*A8,C3*A9)))))
but you should also consider rounding the result to the next highest 1, 5 or 10.
PS I object to being refered to as an Excel nerd. I cut my programing teeth using Fortran and my spreadsheet knowledge is mostly from Lotus123. To this day, Excel has not replicated all the really useful 123 functions, and the only thing it does better is auditing of formulas.
6th August 2006, 11:38 PM #7
Originally Posted by Toolin Around
Life isn't always fair
....................but it's better than the alternative.
6th August 2006, 11:50 PM #8
Mat, is this what you want? Goto Tools, Macro, Visual Basic editor and click on module1 to see the code. It is pretty simple and you should be able to work it out.
cheersVisit my website at www.myFineWoodWork.com
6th August 2006, 11:52 PM #9
you don't need the AND statements as they are implied by the way Excel determines a logical statement.
so having excluded the "not availale" options (<100, >600), the next test can be is volume<200, if TRUE calculate the price, if FALSE test the next price step volume<300 and so on
7th August 2006, 12:03 AM #10
Forgot to say that fuction "find_cost" works like a standard Excel function just like Sum, Average, etc. You can use it anyway you like.
And it should be volume not volumn.Visit my website at www.myFineWoodWork.com
7th August 2006, 09:38 AM #11
A Vertical Lookup table would also suit this application, easy to use and easy to change values plus one simple formula.
- Wood Borer
7th August 2006, 09:59 AM #12
I have to race off to an all day meeting but here is an example using Vlookup
- Wood Borer
7th August 2006, 10:19 PM #13
TA, we need to upgrade the macro.
The second last case should be "Case Is <= 600" not "Case Is < 600"
Case Is <= 600
rt_value = in_volume * cost_factor(5)Visit my website at www.myFineWoodWork.com