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17th July 2006, 11:36 PM #1
Graining combs and other not so usual things
Over the past couple of months I've been helping a good mate sort out a heap of crap in his shed and have come across some amazing collectables and stories to go with them. One of the items was a tin of wood graining combs and a wood grain reference board - absolutely amazing. The reference board had hand grained examples of teak, maple, mahogony and many more species of the day.. These combs, passed down from father to son..... were used to decorate the original arch's and skirts of the Victorian parliament many moons ago and were also used to create one of the finest pieces of mistaken timber still standing (in Woodend) - if anyonw knows what it is I'll shout them a beer!
One of the most amazing things about this collection is that almost every piece has a story - something that can't be bought, sold or traded. Warm fuzzy stuff aside there's the hand crafted fender out of huon (and custom huon case), and the one out of king billy, and then there's the tele out of maple and blackwood,......... Perhaps one day he'll post for himself
What better place on earth is there than a shed.
(Mod's: we'll need a way to bar him from viewing the OB section: it would destroy his soul seeing good timber go to waste and good homes ruined.... much like Stoppers I'd say)Last edited by Eastie; 4th August 2006 at 04:22 PM.
18th July 2006, 09:55 AM #2
Long time no post Eastie.
Good to see you back.
Have you heard the Strat played?
I wonder how Huon compares to Alder as a guitar timber.
18th July 2006, 04:08 PM #3
Lets just say that if you could compare it to all others that have ever come out of the custom shop, you would soon realise there is no comparison
A lot of timbers lend themselves well to strings - the secret these days is knowing enough timber hoarders that will let you into their personal collection to hand pick timbers that strike the right note, have the right look and feature AND that they are willing to part with.