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Thread: Shed or Shipping Container?
5th May 2006, 03:24 PM #16
Royal Wolf (good mob to deal with by the way) was the mob I got my 40ft seatainer from when we first moved here last year $2200 plus $600 delivery (this charge has nothing to do with RW but is the charge the truck driver placed on driving down here and back others may have been cheeper others dearer) placement was as simple as "where do you want it?" "right there" "righto" and he backs the truck up and I place sleepers every 10ft and off she slides easy as... mind you I have 2 acres of manouverable room for a truck
Ive toyed with the idea of getting another and laying them side by side 20ft apart concreting the 40 x 20 area between with ramps included at stategic areas then getting out the oxy acetaline tanks and cutting access through the sides the cut out peices reinforced with angle iron and made into doors put a couple of whirly bird things on top and for ventalation open the big doors plus side doors... make some trusses whack em up top and bolt them down then cover the whole shamozle in tin sheets
Good idea I reckon... however the shire didnt think so as its no longer termed a temporary storage area and becomes a permanent shed... they didnt like the idea so it was vetoed instead the seatainer will be my wood storage area once I cut some ventalation slots in the ends and sides these only need be slots about 1in wide so airflow can happen its either that or whirlybirds and in and out fans... I like the idea of the slots
Anyway Ive bought and built a shed now so what with the 70x25x25 humpyhoochy (which I must recover thanks to storm damage) and the seatainer I think Im covered for shed space... mmm maybe??Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!
25th June 2006, 04:11 PM #17
here's a thaught.
big chaep shed,container inside (secure). lets se the regulators chew on that one.
you got a container on your place....... so its inside my shed.....
cheersAny thing with sharp teeth eats meat.
Most powertools have sharp teeth.
People are made of meat.
Abrasives can be just as dangerous as a blade.....and 10 times more painfull.
25th June 2006, 05:32 PM #18
Originally Posted by soundman
Have a nice day - Cheers
25th June 2006, 06:59 PM #19
There is a company near me that has put two containers on a slab and put trusses on the tops spanning across the two of them with about a six metre space between them and closed the ends off with bypass sliding doors.
If I think of it in the morning I will take a picture of it when I go to town.
They actually done this twice. They use them as workshops.
25th June 2006, 07:03 PM #20
I think in QLD you may be able to get away with using two containers and a roof in between without a building permit so as long as the roof is not solid ie tarps, shade cloth etc?
Can anyone confirm (or rubbish) thisHave a nice day - Cheers
25th June 2006, 11:35 PM #21
Companies may well be different... mining companies regardless of their location use them as discribed however my experience is for private use the shire is not happy with the idea... of course like most mining companies I guess we as privates could just do it and buggar the blighters!! May work?
Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!
26th June 2006, 01:43 AM #22
Being in a rental I grabbed a 20 fter ... couldn't fit the truck in for a 40fter. 40 fters cost only a poofteenth more than a 20fter if you can put it in and transport can be a bit higher. I paid $2000 for a goody only a coupla months back. It'll be good here at the rental and when I first move to my place but as soon as I can I'd sell the thing and put the money into a decent shed. The return is good, the condition of the cont is very good but it's ugly, squishy and bloody hot ... even on a warm day (haven't had it for a hot day yet).
Apart from that it is very secure, and very everything proof (rodent, water,thief, etc).Ramps
When one has finished building one's house, one suddenly realizes that in the process one has learned something that one really needed to know in the worst way--before one began.
26th June 2006, 01:58 AM #23
eeerrr Ramps? Not water... believe me not water! You might think so they may say so but mate? its not so! :mad:
Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!
26th June 2006, 02:20 AM #24
All right, All right OK so we haven't seen what I'd call a decent rain in the last six months but I don't intend to subject it to floodwaters
When one has finished building one's house, one suddenly realizes that in the process one has learned something that one really needed to know in the worst way--before one began.
26th June 2006, 03:24 AM #25
No mate try not to eh? Not a good look... even for a seatainer!
Sheds good... go with the shed... keep seatainer and attach to back of shed this means leaving a good wide expanse behind shed when building said shed but you can do this... I know you can... see hows that for confidence?... anyway back to the shed seatainer theory lesson 101a chapter 345 subsection 4
So when the shed is up and everythings good and honkeydorey you slide the seatainer around behind it... actually theyre quite lite when empty... and make a wee patio thingy between them... get hold of an oxy acetelene kit from somewheres cut a door in the side make door from the cutout bit... cut door into shed again make door with cutout bit... set a dividing wall around the middle of seatainer with a door through... now drill or cut a couple of holes one to fit a tube of leccy piping and the other 2 about 4in to fit the outlet and inlet for the dusty... now thats your dusty and compressor out the way... you now go to the divided section... now this is the end with the double doors right? RIGHT!!... so now you want to open those doors from inside... so take the big buggars off and make some doors with some timber... now what your also gonna have to do is make a bar a nice set of stools a tv stand in the corner a dartboard on one side maybe a pool table and you gots a bar!! whahooo...
But see this is were someone like your ol mate the Dingo comes into the frame... see he thinks ahead sometimes and the seatainer was one of those times... so where you with your 20fter have only enough room to fit a dusty room and a bar IVE GOT DOUBLE!!... so what am I gonna do you ask? Damned glad you asked old son!
So the first 10x8 section will be the dusty compressor area and will have vents top and bottom and also the whirlybird on top... then a partitian into the second section which will be the side into shed entrance one again 10 x 8 and will have benches along the side and hangers from the roof this will be the finishing room where the items will be varnished polished and generally finished so it will have 2 whirlybirds for ventalation and the door will have a heavy duty plastic screan... the dividers will be ceiling to floor and wall to wall with a door through... so now to the third area this will be 20x8 and this... oooh this... THIS will be my "office"... the double doors will be gone and in their place some barn doors so the top section can be opened with flyscreaning and a nice wee porch outside a nice long Jarrah bar along one wall a brewing centre along the other side about 5ft x 8 (floor to ceiling) should do it then a couple of fine old old couches to lay back on while yarnin and havin a few
and you know what else I intend to do out there? Put up lights... no no not the usual lights Im gonna do that too but these are like alarm lights!! YES indeed alarm lights a nice big red light that goes off at the scent of her bloody highness or the hoonberries set to light up when one of them enters the "zone" 40ft from the shed which faces the house which is from whence they will come... this will give me ample time in which to clear away the empties tidy up and wander through to the finishing area where I will be busily finishin something planted there for just such instances!
aahh twill be grand mate... hopefully by then I will have erected the new shed that will run up to the end of the humpyhoochy overlappin it by about 10ft and another 40ft seatainer slotted in to join themoooh and a new roof for the humpyhoochy of course cause the one thats on it isnt! Blasted things buggared with the storms of last year... but its not as dear as I initially thought it would be to replace it ex eastern states
ahem... gotta get bedderer and back to work so I can do all this eh? to say nothing about her bloody highness wanting another house built here and this one demolished to say nothing about her bloody highness's bloody to do list which never stops growing!! :mad:
ooh what were we talkin about?? :confused:Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!
26th June 2006, 06:16 AM #26
Originally Posted by Wild Dingo
26th June 2006, 12:39 PM #27
mmm yes come to think on it mine doesnt seem to suffer from water ingress either... unless its a flood then it gets in
So let me correct myself... dont do flood!!!Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!
28th June 2006, 01:02 PM #28
As promised here is a couple of shots of some containers converted to sheds. The first two are shots of one being used as a workshop. The third one is being used as a stable.
The first one is built using 12 metre containers and the second one is using 6 metre containers.
28th June 2006, 02:20 PM #29
I got a 20' container ex Russian Railways from Royal Wolf, delivered $1600. We use it for storage. I'd say it gets very, very hot and I think it would be cramped for a woodworking workshop. After 10 years, the roof has started to leak a bit - had a ding or two when we got it and the rust has been eating away. But it is real handy, vermin-proof, secure. Every home should have one.
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