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Thread: Oops
25th February 2002, 01:26 PM #1
On Saturday night we had some friends over for drinks and pizza. Well, when the pizza turned up some "place mats" were put on our very old, very nice baltic table with the pizza on top. Yes, you guessed it, we now have two marks on the table where it looks like the heat has "sucked the table dry". It would have been more except two place mats were nice and think. What can I do to fix the problem, what oil or stuff will remove the "dry patches".
Thank you for any help.
25th February 2002, 05:31 PM #2
G'day Peter - oops is right.
Try this link to U-Beaut Polishes then click on Polish Reviver, then Distributor List (top of page) to find your nearest distributor or the order form.
Cheers - NeilKEEP A LID ON THE GARBAGE...Report spam, scams, and inappropriate posts, PMs and Blogs.
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25th February 2002, 05:49 PM #3
Thanks Neil for your fast reply. I will call Carba-Tec (Melb) in the morning and see if they have your Polish Reviver in stock.
Many thanks,
25th February 2002, 06:02 PM #4
Hey Peter,
How old is old?
Regardless, Neil's advice is worth pursuing!
26th February 2002, 08:27 AM #5
Hi Shane,
The table itself is about 8 years old, however we were told the timber was "re-cycled 50+ year old". I do not know if that is true but it certainly had all the looks of being an aged piece of wood. Does this make a diiference?.
26th February 2002, 08:49 AM #6
Probably not, but only Neil can answer that with confidence as he knows he product best. Mind you, I know his polish revivor contains products I would suggest trying anyway.
8yrs is young for furniture - just a baby
I only ask the age as it gives us a way better idea of what type of finish may have been used.
Cheers & goodluck!
17th April 2002, 04:39 PM #7
Hi Neil,
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you however I did go a purchase a bottle of the "Polish Reviver" and it worked fantastic. I did need to use a little steel wool after the soft cloth approach did nothing but it came up "UBEAUT"....
Thanks again for saving the table.