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Thread: Finished my thesis!!!!!
6th June 2006, 08:29 PM #1
Finished my thesis!!!!!
Hi all,
I know five exclamation marks might be considered poor form but I have just finished the soft copy (i.e. not printed yet) version of my Ph.D. thesis. Thus, this is a happy post and has gratuitous use of smilies.
It feels good to have finished this 3.5 years worth of project and I am really proud of the result, even if Rsser (Ern) has recently had a gentle dig at me.
No more of this:
And tonight I will do a little of this:and I would be doing a bit of this:
but most of my friends (and even my girlfriend) are interstate or overseas...
I if everything goes right, in a few months (it takes that long to mark the thesis
) I will accept my bit of paper that makes me Dr Cam.
(Not that I will use the title much as I think that people who get uptight about titles also partake in).
I will be taking a cake in to share with the staff and I will take the opportunity to thank my supervisor with a blackwood bowl I made:
And then soon I will be leaving the School of Engi. here at Tas Uni.and going off into the big scary world (and enjoying working to approximate office hours).
Cam<Insert witty remark here>
6th June 2006, 08:33 PM #2
Let me be the first to congratulate you. Well done
. What was the thesis on?
6th June 2006, 08:36 PM #3
Cheers mate (fast response).
Thesis is on very short-term windspeed and windpower predictions to enable windfarming to integrate more smoothly with the electricity grid and markets... Tough stuff to do, but I think that is kind of the point.<Insert witty remark here>
6th June 2006, 08:39 PM #4
Terrific Cam and a great big "Well Done"!
6th June 2006, 08:42 PM #5
Yep congratulations Dr Cam, I've just had a TimTam for you!
With that sort of title, you could get a job on ABC radio!
6th June 2006, 08:43 PM #6
Bloody well done and have a few sobering Cascades from me.
I remember finishing my Masters thesis - I felt as tho' the weight of the world had been lifted from me and went on a two day bender (of which I could only ever recall the first 8 hours).
One word of caution. Until it is printed, bound and submitted (so it is the Uni's problem) make sure you have several back ups on different devices in different places. We don't want there to be a slip from here on in (printers and binders can and do arrange for all manner of Fock ups to occur.Cheers
If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly
6th June 2006, 08:46 PM #7
Congraulations Cam,
or is that Doc Cam
or should it be
Potty Doc?
6th June 2006, 08:47 PM #8
But what about the Orange-bellied parrot?
6th June 2006, 08:48 PM #9
Congratulations Cam, something to be proud of. Best of luck in the big wide world.......
Hi, my name is Glenn and I'm a tool-o-holic, it's been 32 minutes since I last bought a tool......
6th June 2006, 08:48 PM #10
You could have gone here to get it done.
6th June 2006, 08:58 PM #11
Thanks for the congratulations fellas.
Originally Posted by ozwinner
Originally Posted by bitingmidge
Originally Posted by jmk89
Thanks for the advice though. It would be heartbreaking to lose it at this stage.
(Don't anyone send me a virus).
Originally Posted by Rocker
Actually, it is a concern that is blown right out of proportion. It is most likely propagated by not in my backyarders who would prefer to breathe in pollution than look at a windfarm... See here: http://www.yes2wind.co.uk/birds_debunk.html
or here:
(Biased sites yes, but they have done studies, the supposition that birds hit the windmills is exactly that - supposition).
Originally Posted by echnidna
<Insert witty remark here>
6th June 2006, 09:27 PM #12
Congratulations Cameron
PhilTwo things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I´m not so sure about the universe.
6th June 2006, 09:31 PM #13
Thanks Phil,
Oh and Al, the piccie didn't attach (or my computer blocked it or something?), but from the name of it I think I can guess what it was...<Insert witty remark here>
6th June 2006, 09:44 PM #14
congratulations dr cam sir........
6th June 2006, 10:04 PM #15
Onya Cam,
Congratulations & well done. I hope that you're not goin to abandon us under edjimicated weekend wood warriors for the caviar & chips set.
Once you've settled down & sobered up a bit I reckon that you ought to design & develop a wind powered wood lathe for me & rsser ( Ern ) to test!
BGJ Cam,make your degree work for you mate.