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Thread: Anyone have AAPT Broadband??
13th May 2006, 08:46 AM #1
Anyone have AAPT Broadband??
I am moving house soon (same town, bigger house) and have the chance to change ISP. At the moment aapt have a deal for $39 per month internet with no contract, no setup fee and a free modem. The catch is that you have to get their phone as well but their prices are the same as telstra anyway.
I'm currently with iiNet but am not of the mind I have to stay with them.
Would like some advice/other recommendations????Have a nice day - Cheers
13th May 2006, 10:09 AM #2
AAPT is probably good value with their phone offering. Saves on multiple bills too.
I looked at them 18 months ago and they were a bit exe but now it looks like it's pretty good value.
I currently pay $69 for a 1500/256k + 20gb plan with Internode. I'd get it for $59 if I went with AAPT. My phone is already with them.
I'm moving soon so I might have to look at this again.
I will say that Internode have been outstanding with availablility. Maybe 15 hours of outage over 2.5 years. The long outages outages were Telstra wide.
ChrisPhoto Gallery
13th May 2006, 10:56 AM #3
urrently with AAPT for my phone and broadband and i have had no trouble I am pleased with the service. But when i move into the new house i cant get broad band
id say their service is great
13th May 2006, 11:05 AM #4
Originally Posted by Grunt
Follow-up: I went to the Internode site and found that the current Telstra plan I am on is no match for the Internode plans. I signed onto the SOHO Internode 1500/256. Thanks for posting the info Chris.
13th May 2006, 05:24 PM #5
Originally Posted by Groggy
I had a look at their phone plans and for $29 for line rental including $50 worth of calls I reckon its a good deal.Have a nice day - Cheers
13th May 2006, 05:51 PM #6
Originally Posted by Wood Butcher
Want to know why I changed from Telstra? (I'm gonna tell you anyway, you can see it coming can't you).
Last year I approached them to allow dialup roaming to a broadband account to simplify configurations (one account rather than ADSL $120pm plus dialup $27pm). This year they announced dialup access for ADSL - IF YOU PAY $5 PER HOUR. I use about 30-40 hours dialup per month and it costs $27 for unlimited download. To use the new "service" will cost over $150 per month.
I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I am not an idiot. I've kept the $27 dialup until I could find a suitable alternative when my work circumstances allowed - which is now.
Recently, I have done tests on my ADSL to see whether I actually get 1500/256. Two different utilities show that I get 876 download and (get this) 65kbps upload. I've done these tests a number of times at different times and get very similar results each time. If you call Telstra they say that if a technician comes out and finds a problem with your equipment it will cost $100. They don't seem to be able to send a technician just to confirm THEIR equipment is working. The other day it rained and three neighbours had crackly lines - Telstra made the same threat. One neighbour didn't complain just in case she was hit for the $100. The technician that came would not fix her line because she did not call - even though he knew the junction had been flooded. She still has a crappy line.
The sheer arrogance Telstra have shown by doing this has ensured they have lost me for whatever accounts I can rid myself of.
13th May 2006, 06:02 PM #7
Go with Telstra, if you want to pay more and get less.
Photo Gallery
13th May 2006, 07:35 PM #8
Telstra - I spit on their grave. If only they would hurry up and die.
They announced that the exchange nearest me would be offering broadband in 1999.
Yes, it offered it. But no-one could get it. It wasn't till 2005 that they were actually able to provide broadband to the exchange area. (they had installed cheap RIM units that capped phone lines at 26.6 kbps, so they couldn't install ADSL). That area now has the highest takeup of ADSL of any area in Canberra - 80 odd percent from something I read recently.
Their management really deserve their bonuses. Not.
13th May 2006, 07:44 PM #9
Originally Posted by Master Splinter
I have had AAPTfor the phone line for ages, and have just minutes ago churned over to them for ADSL.
I havent connected as yet.
13th May 2006, 08:00 PM #10
All right for you city slickers but out here in the sticks
where phone cables lay on top of the ground or hang from farm fences etc there isn't a lot of choice.
2 way satellite with an internet phone might be the way to go when I get around to investigating it.
13th May 2006, 08:09 PM #11
I'm not sure internet phones work very well with satellite. There is quite a delay getting the signal to and fro the satellites.
I've had satellite before and the performance is better than dial-up but not in the same league as ADSL.
ChrisPhoto Gallery
13th May 2006, 10:18 PM #12
If the dopey fresh out of schoolers they send round to my house spruiking the compay's wares are any guide I wouldnt touch AAPT with a barge pole. They always turn up with one pamphlet and cant accept that Im not willing to change my phone service on the spot without seeing all the facts in writing.
Last guy who called around arrived during a wood chopping session. There he was going through his spiel, oblivious to the fact he was addressing a very irritated individual clutching a wood splitter.Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)
13th May 2006, 10:20 PM #13
Originally Posted by Grunt
Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)
13th May 2006, 11:21 PM #14
Originally Posted by Grunt
On a normal dialup service my internet drops out many times an hour.
Its totally impossible to use a dialup service here.
I can't get broadband, but my current exchange is isdn capable so thats what I use.
But its lousy especially on a very wet day.
All the submarine phone lines get worse and even the twin channel isdn falls out, quite often within a few minutes.
The house where jow104 is going to stay over the next english winter doesn't even have access to the subgrade isdn system and I wonder how lousy the dialup will be there. I think its a 2 way satellite needed there, so checking out the phones is worthwhile.
15th May 2006, 12:53 PM #15
Hi Wood butcher,
Connected to AAPT for our phone and internet about 3 weeks ago - we were on dial up and decided that broadband was a goer, so I did some research and found that with the home cap (phone for $49 per month) plus broadband as long as we didn't go over the phone cap, we would be getting our internet for free compared to our old deal.
We got the free modem as well, and are running at 512/128kbps with 12 gig download per month.
For our usage at the moment it is more than adequate. Haven't had any dramas as yet - only time will tell.
You probably already know this, but their is a great website called whirlpool - not sure of the adress though. It asks you a bunch of internet use and wants questions then spits out the providers that meet the criteria. A lot of people I know including myself have found it quite useful.
Good luck.Cheerio.
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