Watching b/b and expecting to learn is a leap... watching it and expecting them to actually do something of relevence now thats a true blind leap of faith... sorta like watchin that better homes and gardens and having expectations that the curley haired gollywog knows what hes doing and better yet will do something you could actually learn from!!

As the yanks would say "Aint gonna happen people"

Cheep nasty and for the unwashed masses... of which as is well known we are not among such!! We know bedda!!

Note... I only watch them occasionally for the humor value honest... ever noticed how happy those mobs are? ALL THE RUDDY FRIGGIN TIME!!! :mad: but one shows worse thats that bloody getafrigginway! Man does that giggling blonde drive me friggin APESHYTE!!! :mad:

ahem so therefor I do not watch these shows