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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2024
    Castlemaine, Vic
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    Default G'day from Central Vic

    Hi, I'm Rob. My partner and I are living in a shouse (that's a 'shed-house', not to be confused with a sh*thouse) and fixing it up as we go. It's a two storey, steel framed structure with corro roof and exterior cladding, fitted out inside with mainly ply. A beautiful setting in the Central Victorian bush, on an acre block and surrounded by bushland.
    We're learning a heap, getting on the tools most weekends and calling in help when we hit a skill deficiency. It's a little draughty, a little rustic and still needs plenty of work, even before we get to gutting and rebuilding the entire lower storey (damp & termites), but it's ours and we love it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    SW Victoria
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    Welcome Rob!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Geelong South
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    G'day Rob

    Where in Central Victoria are you?

    From an ex Central Victorian who used to live almost metres away from geographical centre of Victoria. Well that's what we used to reckoned before it was actually surveyed and sticking a compass in the map and drawing a circle was found to be wrong by many miles.

    Lots of similar type places to what you have in Central Vic. area. Lived in 2 housed over a 25 year period one was 100+ yrs old and okeydokey the other 150+ on 380 acres of magnificent grazing land. Wasn't exactly a sh!thouse but one side wall did collapse in the middle of the night, the white ants had demolished 2 walls all bar a paper thin layer of wood and paint in the kitchen. We had a mouse plague followed by a rat plague with the entire roof covered in rats one night.

    But all that aside we loved where we were, the goldfields, the natural grazing lands, the hauntingly beautiful bushland areas, hundreds of gold diggings you could freely explore, the people, the towns and...
    Hmmm. That was some 25 odd years ago and not sure any more. Lots of it was turning into yuppyville last time we visited about 5 yrs ago. Very sad but that's progress for you. Eh.

    Anyway... enough of the happy recollections'. Welcome to the forums. Hope we can be of help to you if you need it.

    Cheers - Neil
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2024
    Castlemaine, Vic
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    Hi Neil, I'm in Fryerstown near Castlemaine.

    Wow, what a way to wake in the night! We have had experience here with hungry termites, who have eaten a substantial amount of the bearers and subfloor in our (steel framed) shouse. For the moment we've done our best to expose their access, and down the track we'll have to gut the lower storey of the building, consider pouring a slab inside and rebuild from the shell. We bought knowing it was a possibility, but it'll be a decent job!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
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    welcome aboard

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