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  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErrolFlynn View Post
    That's not much at all.
    It is sometimes less - when the fridge and freezer are at optimum temp the thermostats stops them cooling until the temp drops and then they kick in again. Currently (the water heater has not yet switched on) shows the fridge and freezer, plus my laptop which now uses power all the time as the battery is dead, is currently (HAD to use that pun ) using 148w. Once the water heater switches on, and the sun is shining, it will go up to the 440w figure. And all of this is coming directly from the solar panels and the batteries are not being used (and are full).

    Just took a screenshot (9.44am) of my power app:
    It shows my house is currently running on less power than an old 60w incandescent bulb!! Which means fridge and freezer are at maximum coldness.

    When the batteries are full (96-99%) the PV charger usually drops to the level of usage.

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moondog55 View Post
    Two of those batteries are enough? Dirt cheap compared to Elons packs.
    I am very envious of your rhubarb too
    !0kW of battery storage is plenty - especially for a sole occupant. (Power usage wouldn't be a lot different for a couple)

    I wouldn't go near anything with the Musk name attached to it!

    Early on I thought I might need extra panels - but that is now not necessary.

    Yes the rhubarb is looking good finally. Time to star picking and freezing. Rhubarb crumble in winter is a must!! (Well...anytime really lol )

  3. #153
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    Great update! Wishing you better luck with the new inverter. That's a lot of coriander. Some love it I guess

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by r3nov8or View Post
    Great update! Wishing you better luck with the new inverter. That's a lot of coriander. Some love it I guess
    LOL - A friend of mine refers to coriander as 'the devils weed'!! I love it - use it in stir fry and salads.

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by turnstiles View Post
    LOL - A friend of mine refers to coriander as 'the devils weed'!! I love it - use it in stir fry and salads.
    Yeah, I don't mind it in small doses, but some have the gene that makes it taste like soap. Others simply don't like it

  6. #156
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    A quick update on the veggie garden for anyone interested!!

    The most noticeable change is with the butternut pumpkin. In the three weeks since my previous post, they have really taken off.

    No flowers yet so they are still getting bigger.

    Zucchini is also a fast grower - there are about 8 small zucchinis already filling out - the first to pick will be tomorrow.
    These few are like the first small stones preceding an avalanche!!

    My snow peas have been providing pods for over a week now, and I can easily pick a dozen a day now.

    Behind the snow peas growing up the veggie garden fence are purple climbing beans. (Like green beans but they are purple. But as soon as you cook them they become green!)

    I'm taking a chance with these (my first time growing them) as I am not sure whether they will be safe from Kangaroos who will be able to reach them from outside. If I see they've been having a free feed I can quickly add some extra lean- to fencing to deter them.

    They have just begun flowering so I think beans are still a couple of weeks away.

    We had a couple of weeks of really hot Spring weather which has had the unfortunate effect of sending the rocket and coriander to early flower. Fortunately there is still plenty of pickable greens from them both. But I will plant a second crop of them both next week.
    And the tomatoes are over a metre tall and have only just begun flowering. So, again, a few more week until fruit.

    Radish is another very quick grower - I have been harvesting radish for a couple of weeks. I planted a small crop as I'm familiar with the speed of their growth and I didn't want too many left in the fridge waiting to be used. So I sowed a second crop (the smaller greens at the front of the left hand photo) next to the original..There will probably be a third and fourth sowing this season.

    When I planted my first cos lettuce seeds I waited and waited and nothing happened. So I thought perhaps the soil is too firm for them, so I sowed a liberal amount of seeds in seed trays in a potting mix. But then around six cos from the original planting popped up!

    I thinned this lot out after I took the photo. I've left around 6 per tray. Far more cos than I'll ever need - but I like giving away excess to neighbours and friends!

    Apart from all that, the rhubarb looks as full as it did in the last post and it's had 4 liberal pickings already.

    I also have 9 capsicum plants growing, but they are still only around 200mm high, so no caps probably until mid January.

    Next year when I have the full garden planted I will add onions and red onions, garlic, cucumbers and beetroot. Over winter I'll grow broccoli and cauliflower.

    I've a new friend - a juvenile Cunningham Skink which has been hanging around. I occasionally leave it a segment of mandarin (they love them). But not too often that it becomes dependent!! It's about 250mm long ATM,and should reach about 400mm in length at full maturity.

  7. #157
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    Going to be eating well there!

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Bob View Post
    Going to be eating well there!

    Salad season has officially kicked off!!

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