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Thread: QUOTEABLE QUOTES in Jokes Forum
5th November 2024, 10:57 PM #1
Back in 2001 I started, "Not a joke. Just a bit of fun." which is probably one of the longest running threads in forum history. It was still actively running 23 years later in 20 seperate threads each time we got to around 1500 posts a new thread was posted following on from the previous one until it was moved to here all in all it had some 30,000+ posts.
With this in mind I thought maybe something similar here might help to increase the posts which in turn will bring more search bots here and which should bring more visitors, some of who will actually look at more than this particular thread and possibly become members.
We can but try. So I have kick off this thread with the first quote.
Follow along by posting a new thread(s) with your own quote(s), famous quote(s) or those you have seen somewhere attributed to no one in particular. Doesn't matter
The new thread and first quote can be found in the Joke Forum below or click here to go directly to the thread.
Cheers - NeilAre you a registered member? Why not? Click here to register. It's free and only takes around 40 seconds!
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