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Thread: User Reputation
5th November 2024, 01:11 AM #1
User Reputation
Unfortunately we don't seem to be able to get the Likes/Thanks system running properly on these forum.
So as an alternative we are using User Reputation instead. This is actioned by clicking on the black star star.gif at the bottom of the post of the person you wish to give the reputation to.
When you click in the star you will have a box appear as per below pic. Make your choice and the poster will get an notice that someone has given him/her some reputation which they can click on and see the comment made by you.
We had this turned off on the other forums due to misuse of the system.
It is preferable to give approval with any comment you would like to leave. A comment is not mandatory.
On the other hand if you disapprove, you must leave a comment. However if you do at least have the guts to say why without denigrating the poster. If you denigrate, threaten, abuse, etc, etc. You may well end up either in the sin bin for a time or at worst deleter or banned from the forums permanently.
In the words of Thumber, from the classic Disney film Bambi, “If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."
The idea is to help and encourage the poster not tear them down. Play nicely.
Cheers - Neil
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5th November 2024, 09:07 AM #2
Good idea Neil
5th November 2024, 12:17 PM #3
Not my idea I hadn't realised it was on here.
It was suggested to me by a member that we give it a go. If it gets abused on here like on WWF with death threats and way worse then retribution will be swift and it will come off.
Don't ask what's way worse than death threats I won't tell in an open forum, just take it from me that there definitely was way worse and dealt with in real time by actual humans not just text.
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