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  1. #1
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    Smile Parker teak veneer sideboard and table restoration advice

    Hi All

    My name's Dan and I am newbie to restoration -I am looking at restoring a teak veneer 70s Parker table and sideboard that my folks have handed-down to me. There is quite a bit of water damage and some chips (including a large fragment of veneer that has come off the side of the sideboard, but which we still have).

    I was going to start on the sideboard and see how I go given I could probably put a runner over the top and live with it if I don't do a very good job

    The process for restoration that I've found seems to be most consistently suggested, and which I am going to try (but would very much appreciate feedback on!) is:
    1) Rub down the piece with methylated spirit using 0000 steel wool
    2) Use some oxalic acid cleaner to try and lift the water stains
    3) Lightly hand-sand the surface with 180, then 240, then 320
    4) Apply danish oil

    I have read that chips can be filled by melting a wax crayon into the defect - I'd love to know if anyone has had any experience trying this, and how it turned out/how difficult it was.

    I was also wondering whether there were any suggestions on what coatings may offer further protection against future water-stains (apart from using coasters of course!)

    Anyway, thank you all for welcoming me to your community! I am looking forward to learning a new skill, and appreciate any help or advice you have

    Cheers - Dan
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  2. ian
  3. #2
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    I am going to try what Dan did. Just wondering how it turned out. it won't let me access his photos.


  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by janward1953 View Post

    I am going to try what Dan did. Just wondering how it turned out. it won't let me access his photos.


    Hi Jan, welcome to the forum, you'll eventually get access to photos but you could ask if an admin could speed it up... Dan's photos were only before's so we don't know how it turned out. Why don't you throw up a post with some photos of your project?

  5. #4
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    I'll sort out the viewing of photos for you in a little while.

    Before you do anything I would suggest trying our Polish Reviver It has fixed many Parker teak and rosewood sideboards and tables inflicted with watermarks heat rings, etc. No guarantee it will work but if it doesn't... I can pretty much guarantee nothing else will. If it doe work it's magic it could save you a lot of work, angst and gnashing of teeth

    Just spoke to a lady in Qld yesterday who had exactly the same problem with her sideboard. Not quite as many watermarks as yours but non the less water marked which is a common problem with parker furniture items, because hardly anyone ever looked after them as they should have.

    The reviver may well bring it back to look as it did when purchased, but as I said above no guarantee. However it's a small price to pay for what could be a very cheap, quick and nigh on magical fix for the problem.

    Sorry for the blatant sales pitch. Just trying to help out.

    Now... off to sort out Jans problem.

    Cheers - Neil
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  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    I'll sort out the viewing of photos for you in a little while.

    Before you do anything I would suggest trying our Polish Reviver It has fixed many Parker teak and rosewood sideboards and tables inflicted with watermarks heat rings, etc. No guarantee it will work but if it doesn't... I can pretty much guarantee nothing else will. If it doe work it's magic it could save you a lot of work, angst and gnashing of teeth

    Just spoke to a lady in Qld yesterday who had exactly the same problem with her sideboard. Not quite as many watermarks as yours but non the less water marked which is a common problem with parker furniture items, because hardly anyone ever looked after them as they should have.

    The reviver may well bring it back to look as it did when purchased, but as I said above no guarantee. However it's a small price to pay for what could be a very cheap, quick and nigh on magical fix for the problem.

    Sorry for the blatant sales pitch. Just trying to help out.

    Now... off to sort out Jans problem.

    Cheers - Neil

    I was just thinking that Ubeaut Hard shellac might be a good finish for the table if Dan has to take it right back...

  7. #6
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    Jan you should be able to see all now.

    Looks like DJ beat me to it.


  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mic-d View Post
    I was just thinking that Ubeaut Hard shellac might be a good finish for the table if Dan has to take it right back...
    Ideal but only if experienced with using shellac. A tabletop is a big job for someone without a little knowledge of using shellac and the inherent pitfalls. The reviver may well do the job for the tabletop but won't help with the missing corner bit.

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  9. #8
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    Below is a copy of email I just received from the lady mentioned above. It should give a pretty good idea of how it works. Not only should it revive the original finish but it makes it almost impossible to mark up again down the track.

    Admittedly it's not quite as bad as yours but... Well worth a try.

    Cheers - Neil

    Hi Neil

    Thank you for reply and also our conversation of the other day.

    I used the polish reviver on the buffet and I am so chuffed by the results! Thank you so much for making a fabulous product! It meant that I didn't have to do anything but use the polish and now the water marks are gone!

    Attaching the before and after pics. Again thank you for the advice and the product. My mum's buffet is looking good once more!



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