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Thread: Help!!!

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Geelong South


    Yep that'ns a Google Ad alright.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    SW Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Yep that'ns a Google Ad alright.
    Yep, because there is adsbygoogle code in your HTML on RF

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    SW Victoria


    I just used a different PC without logging into Google, and also with a new Google userid, and the same happens, whether logged into RF or not

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Geelong South


    OK give it a go now and see what happens.

    Think I've sorted it. There was a couple of rogue ads set for users with posts between 20 and 100 posts for a leaderboard ad below the top and bottom Navigation Bar. They have been turned off.

    Other ads are now all for guests and non posters in the forums and for anyone in the archive or should be.

    Let me know how you get on with it now. If you still get any ads please tell me where they are showing and I'll try to hunt them down. At least I'm not on the phone now and can get way better access to the back room on the laptop and desktop computers.
    No guarantee it is fully resolved but...

    Ads in Tapatalk for registered and logged in members will be from tapatalk not the forums. There are no mobile ads set that I can find.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2023
    Nimmitabel, Canberra


    These forums have a following. People who have used them and found them to be good value and worthwhile. I’m one of them, and I thank everyone who has contributed to making that so.

    First impressions can be lasting. We all know that. I’m wondering about the last few posts on this thread. If someone lands on these pages for the first time and is confronted by full-page ads, what will they think of the forum? These people probably assume that’s the way it will always be on the site. Why would they think anything else?

    There’s no reason for us to assume that potential newbies will think those ads are only for them and will lessen as soon as they join up. Faced with a barrage of ads they might well be encouraged not to bother signing up, and go somewhere else. I've often skipped websites that take too long to load, or the screen explodes with something irrelevant (like an ad). I don't wait; I just click back to my Google search and select some other site.

    Neil, you were asking for ideas to encourage membership/activity. Here’s one: drop the ads.

    If you really need them to help pay for things, try and minimise them. Perhaps Steve can arrange the system so that there is a gentle introduction to ads for non-members. (Something to do with IP addresses, perhaps.) Consider something like, no ads for the first half a dozen site contacts, then after that, they begin to appear. Or, if that’s not possible then consider displaying ads to newcomers in the same way as you display ads for members. That would be fair, surely.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Geelong South


    There should now be ads for guests only... One below top Nav bar and one above bottom Nav bar.

    However at the moment when (logged out) I'm seeing ads in threads which shouldn't be there. I can't find a setting for them anywhere but will do a deep dive into these as the day progresses. Didn't have a chance to sort it last night and am bit under the hammer today. But hopefully I can find the problem and sort it out.

    We do notify new members that posting on the forums will lessen or eradicate ads.

    Will see if there is a way to add this information to guests. I seem to remember there was a notice for guests saying that the ads would all but disappear if they registered. But not on here so will see if I can sort that out later today also.


  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    SW Victoria


    Thanks Neil. Ads for me have disappeared on all devices and browsers. I also see that the adsbygoogle HTML code is gone from the RF pages

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Geelong South


    All I can say is...
    Are you a registered member? Why not? Click here to register. It's free and only takes around 40 seconds!
    Register to get rid of the annoying ads, plus you are able to participate, see all the posts, photos, pdf's, and more.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    SW Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    All I can say is...
    Woohoo indeed! Life is bliss without those ads. Sooo glad I mentioned them

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Geelong South


    Announcement for guests has now been set and is displayed at the top of all pages to non registered guests/visitors. To see this notice you will need to log out of Reno and view the site without logging back in.

    Looks like the below but a bit more in-ya-face in a red bounded box with yellow background. So pretty hard to miss it.

    Hello and welcome to Renovate Forums
    You must REGISTER to view pictures, participate, etc.
    Register and you will also stop seeing the annoying ads.

    As can be seen below I have also changed my signature to echo something similar to the above.

    Are you a registered member? Why not? Click here to register. It's free and only takes around 40 seconds!
    Register to get rid of the annoying ads, plus you are able to participate, see all the posts, photos, pdf's, and more.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Geelong South


    I have also updated the Welcome Message (email) to read as follows:
    The redie-brickie-brownie bit is the new addition to the original written by the late great Watson.

    G'day Username,

    Welcome to Renovate Forums! Your account has been activated and you are now able to ask for advice and contribute to the forums.

    All information for using the forums, eg: how to make a post, what’s appropriate content and other handy tips can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions

    Feel free to say hello and introduce yourself to other members in our G'day mate - THE WELCOME WAGON -Introduce yourself forum.

    By logging in and posting you will be promoted to a higher user group and all of the annoying ads will disappear. If you do not post you may see a couple of ads at top and bottom of the forums on all pages. If you do not log in you will see numerous ads all over the place.

    As a new user your first posts may be moderated (won't show until approved by Admin) This is an extra precaution to help us keep forum members protected from from spammers, scammers and other ne'er-do-wells intent on doing the wrong thing.

    So it may take from a few minutes to s few hours before your post will be approved and show.

    Just a quick note that a lot of the members are workers so you might not get the answer you require until after "Knock-off", so settle in, make yourself at home, and if you need any "forum help" just let us know. You can do that by on Contact Us link at the bottom of all pages or CLICK HERE.

    Best regards
    The Admin Team
    Renovate Forums
    Are you a registered member? Why not? Click here to register. It's free and only takes around 40 seconds!
    Register to get rid of the annoying ads, plus you are able to participate, see all the posts, photos, pdf's, and more.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    May 2023
    Nimmitabel, Canberra


    I went incognito and searched for RF, and the following came up. So, if someone has a problem that needs a solution, someone who might be interested in joining the group, and they see this invite to, "chat with an expert," then as soon as they click they're sent somewhere else. We might never see them again.

    If all our potential newbies click on that, then RF is being bypassed. It looks like it's part of RF, but it's not.


  13. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2019


    don't you get some sort of site traffic and sign up data anyway?

    pretty easy to see if people are coming to the site but no clicking register, THEN you can worry about that kind of stuff.

    But I would assume its a fairly simple that the site just dones't get the traffic it used to (the shut down might not have helped this)
    even now there is barely a new topic or old toppic discussed even coming here over the last 3 days there has been nothing.

    It sounds harsh but i'm not sure it will ever return the glory years. I think enough people have moved on from here and found other sources of info or the younger generations coming through just don't engage on forums as much as the previous gens.

    it sounds odd but maybe we do actually need some high follower count aussie renovate social media content creator to drop the forum name a few times to get traffic here.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Reservoir Melbourne

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Geelong South


    Quote Originally Posted by ErrolFlynn View Post
    I went incognito and searched for RF, and the following came up. So, if someone has a problem that needs a solution, someone who might be interested in joining the group, and they see this invite to, "chat with an expert," then as soon as they click they're sent somewhere else. We might never see them again.

    If all our potential newbies click on that, then RF is being bypassed. It looks like it's part of RF, but it's not.

    That ad is flagged for deletion from our google ads. Has been for a couple of days it is one of a few similar ones all placed by the same mob ""

    It is one among many that have been banned from the 3 forums including all soft and hardcore po'rn. We really don't lose out by people seeing ads as mostly what they see is what they have been using, been in their searches, cache, or visiting history that is being held by search engines etc, which are the main reason we get them here in the first place.

    As for them no signing up, they do. Even on the best forums in the best times for every 100,000 who hit a site like forums or blogs etc only a couple genuine ones will join as opposed to scammers, spammers, etc who will sign up in dozens or even hundreds which has happened to us in the past on WWF and on MWF to a lesser extent. Hence the fact that WWF currently has 130,781 registered Members and not over 1,000,000 members because I do massive culls of all the bad guys from time to time. Had this not been done we would have been way over the 1 million mark a few years ago. We also would have had an unsafe barely usable forum.

    That's just my personal culls of the members and doesn't include the following done by Spam-O-Matic, see below:
    825,511 Spammers Denied Registration, 1,820 Spammers Permanently Banned, 1,798 Spammers submitted to StopForumSpam, 2,174 Spammers submitted to Akismet, and 16,459 Spammy Posts Automatically Moderated

    So you can see how the ads really don't affect signups. The genuine ones will join the rest won't and the ones who won't don't really matter as they would most likely never post or participate in any other way.

    As for stats here... There have been 182 new member registrations since the forums move to this new site at the beginning of May around 33 per month on average whilst WWF average 160 and MWF average 80. So by size and age of forums we're not doing too bad for new registrations.

    However where Reno is falling down is in participation. If there are little to no posts there is little to no participation, little to no participation means the search bots have little or nothing new to list.

    Since May this year Reno has averaged 150 post per month (ppm) however many of those have been me pulling in posts from the archives. Whilst for the same period WWF averaged 1,750 ppm and MWF had an average of 750 ppm.

    Quote Originally Posted by havabeer69
    But I would assume its a fairly simple that the site just doesn't get the traffic it used to (the shut down might not have helped this) even now there is barely a new topic or old topic discussed even coming here over the last 3 days there has been nothing.
    Exactly right! It doesn't get the traffic because of the shut down by the last lot who completely abandoned all their members.

    Quote Originally Posted by havabeer69
    It sounds harsh but i'm not sure it will ever return the glory years. I think enough people have moved on from here and found other sources of info or the younger generations coming through just don't engage on forums as much as the previous gens.
    It's not so much that the members moved on, it's more the fact that they don't know this forum even exists. That's due to being totally abandoned by the last lot when they shut it down with little to no notice to members. Certainly not letting anyone know there was a rescue planned. To top it off that other lot refusing to pass on member info or anything else to help in keeping it running. Even after numerous attempts to contact them and help out they refused to take my call or have any contact with me. Hence we started off again behind the 8 ball with a forum that had info which was from 10 years before the other lot took over.

    I started Reno on WWF in 2002 and it became so big that I split it off to its own site where it became another great resource, In 2013 the other lot took it over to boost their sales etc. In the 10 years they had the forums there would have been many thousands of members register and all were unceremoniously dumped when they closed down. Had I had access to the site and the members these forums would still be flourishing. So the problem lies solely at the feet of them not the current members, the forums or anyone or anything else.

    A final word or few before apologising for this rant. Woodwork Forums started off 25 years ago 25th May 1999 with 6 members and grew by around 10 - 20 per mth for about 6 months, then that many per day Reno and Metalwork Forums both sprang from WWF and flourished in their own right. It was enthusiasm that grew all 3 forums and not despair. No reason why a bit of enthusiasm can't get this lot up and running again.

    Cheers - Neil

    PS Oh yeah, almost forgot... SORRY FOR THE RANT!



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