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Thread: Sumtingwong
19th September 2024, 08:39 AM #1
In electrical, the latest post is from Wozza asking about down lights and fire safety..
Droog and I have replied to this post, however, in order to read our replies, one is supposed to click the thanks button before being able to read the replies, but it don't work.
If I am logged in I can see my reply but not Droogs reply.
Hopefully a mod can fix the problem.
19th September 2024, 09:24 AM #2
This post requires you to click the Thanks button to read this content.
19th September 2024, 09:49 AM #3
the "liven up this place" thread in the help section also having the same problem
19th September 2024, 10:25 AM #4
All fixed now.
Was trying yet again to get the likes thingy back up and running on here. Didn't work but didn't create a problem for me with the message that was showing. Just found out about the problem 20 minutes ago and have been able to fix it.
Sorry, 'twas my fault.WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN!Hopefully it won't happen again.
Cheers - NeilAre you a registered member? Why not? Click here to register. It's free and only takes around 40 seconds!
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19th September 2024, 12:00 PM #5
19th September 2024, 02:05 PM #6