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24th June 2022, 07:29 AM #31
G'Day to All!
I've surfed Ukrainian Telegram channels and other social medias weeks for these pictures....
Now I've found them - Australian 'Bushmaster' with Ukrainian Ground Forces somewhere near the enemy....
Post Thanks / Like - 2 Thanks, 4 Likes, 0 , 4Vann, Chief Tiff thanked for this post
24th June 2022, 09:07 AM #32
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24th June 2022, 02:44 PM #33
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15th September 2022, 06:52 PM #34
Thank Aussies for Bushmasters!
G'Day to All!
This is not a joke, just a copy from official Twitter account of Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov
Just his words regarding 'Bushmasters'
"For the sake of protecting Freedom, it traveled half the world, from the to the . 19,300 km across the Indian Ocean.Sept2022.Thanks to "Bushmaster" #UAarmy came to the Oskil river & continue to liberate Kharkiv region.Thank you to @RichardMarlesMP
& all people"
You can view this twit yourselves at the following link
Thank you - Australia and Aussies!
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16th September 2022, 09:34 AM #35
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9th October 2022, 01:54 PM #36
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14th November 2022, 06:38 AM #37
G'Day to All.
Just a new viral joke or mem.
Some explanations.
As you know there are military orders and medals. In Australia, according to "Australian Goverment Defence" (Access Denied) there are campaing medals awarded to members of the Armed Forces, Allied forces and civilians participating in specified military campaigns.
For example I've found such Australian campaign medals as
- Afganistan Medal
- Iraq Medal
- Rhodesia Medal.
So you should understand what these medals are.
In Soviet Union there were campaign medals too, one category of such medals (WW II) was concerned to capturing of ennemies cities - Medal "For the Capture of Berlin" or Medal "For the Capture of Vienna".
Let's return to the present days.
11 November was liberated from russians the Kherson city - capital of the Kherson province of the Ukraine. Sometimes we call Kherson as a "Water Mellon capital of the Ukraine", local farmers are really produced thousand tonnes of watermellons...
But now about russians - this is not 'second army of the world', this is 'First Thief and Maraudeur army of the world".
Russian soldiers are maradeurs for 100%.
They were robbed all - autos, velos, spinnings, toilet bowls, clothing, even used and no-washed men's and women's underwear...
But in the Kherson russian commanders not simple solder stolen a racoon from local private zoo...
So Ukrainians have proposed design of new campaign medals of the russian army - the translation is "For the Capturing of the Racoon".
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14th November 2022, 11:37 AM #38
Good that Ukranians continue with humour during these tragic, disgraceful and disastrous times. Although the liberation of Kherson is indicative of the tide of war changing.
I can see a whole raft of opportunity for "glorious" Russian war medals.
I was going to suggest a few "accolades," but on reflection, it is not my place. Let us just hope that the weight of all these medals brings the Russians to their military knees.
Stay strong.
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
Post Thanks / Like - 2 Thanks, 2 Likes, 0 , 0Vann, snikolaev28 thanked for this post
2nd February 2024, 08:42 AM #39
Hope you are well.
Would you care to update us on the situation in Ukraine as I am getting mixed information as to what is happening.