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Thread: what brand.....
1st January 2024, 08:54 AM #1
what brand.....
On another forum they are chatting about outdoor furniture and preserving the finish. One guy from South Oz quoted this Can't remember brand, type, but great uv protection .Apply with a cloth. doesn't peel, just wears & you can go over just worn spots & blends nicely.
any of you wise knowedgeable intellegent folks know what he is talking about?I would love to grow my own food, but I can not find bacon seeds
10th January 2024, 12:05 PM #2
I've had good results with Organoil Garden Furniture oil. There is a standard formulation and a Red UV formulation. The red formulation will colour your furniture a bit but is supposed to provide longer term protection under direct sunlight.
Garden Furniture Oil – Prep-Productions
I think it's mostly tung oil based and forms a good protective coating. You need to recoat periodically depending on your environment and the type of timber. You can get it from Bunnings, Amazon etc.
10th January 2024, 03:44 PM #3
I have had good luck with Cabot’s Garden Furniture oil, it performs as described… for me