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Thread: Flex hose - reputable brands??
20th November 2023, 08:50 AM #1
Flex hose - reputable brands??
Anyone know of reputable flex hose brands?
Need to go through and replace all hoses as they are all over 10 years old.
Was thinking of replacing some with copper pipe eg: toilets but not sure if its worth the effort
20th November 2023, 09:43 AM #2
Why do they need replacing?
The person who never made a mistake never made anything
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24th November 2023, 08:31 PM #3
It does happen that these flexible hoses burst. The resultant damage can be quiet extensive if it is not quickly noticed and the water turned off.
Think of water logged cupboards, sodden floors and more!
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25th November 2023, 10:18 PM #4
25th November 2023, 10:57 PM #5
The NRMA sent me an Email suggesting that I should change all Easy Hooker if more than 10years old. I think that they have had a lot of water damage in wet areas after the Easy Hookers had failed. I had a leak from the roof top swampy and found an Easy there had failed and was leaking onto the roof (thankfully) and it is only 5 years old
Just do it!
Kind regards Rod
26th November 2023, 08:05 AM #6
Roof top swampy ???
Flex connectors are not made for external use as the stainless braid rusts allowing the inner rubber tube to burst.
Another problem with them in cupboards can be premature aging due to chemicals from hair sprays etc etc
And yes, insurers have been known to pay dearly for bursting leaking problems
Worst one I saw was a 2 level home where the joiner between the rheem solar hot water panels on the roof had burst (for the second time.)
First time it sprayed straight up in the air, no damage, but second time not so lucky, sprayed straight at the front and under the roof tile all day long
and flooded the home from top to bottom.
27th November 2023, 06:00 AM #7 if I replaced with copper (toilets), I'm guessing I'd also need to replace the flex hose screw on fitting thats sitting on the wall. I'd take a guess there are no suitable fittings to attach to the end of the copper pipe to attached to the flew hose wall fitting?
27th November 2023, 09:20 AM #8
One of my toilets DSCN1051.JPG
27th November 2023, 09:46 AM #9
If these things are installed correctly (no kinks) and aren’t in a corrosive environment, I don’t see how they can fail.
27th November 2023, 11:07 AM #10
27th November 2023, 07:26 PM #11
Do you think so? I suspect they never thought about it at all, and missed the corroded braiding. I've checked all mine and none have any corrosion after nearly 20 years.
I never said they weren't. I said if they weren't in a corrosive environment they shouldn't fail. I made no comment about what is and isn't a corrosive environment. That said, my three toilets haven't caused any corrosion on my braided flex hoses.