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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Coffs Harbour

    Default Australian woodsmith back issues

    I’ve read within Australian Woodsmith magazine that they’ve moved all the back issues online behind a web portal which seems great. It says you need to subscribe in order to gain access but on the website when you select it to purchase says ‘sorry there are no products matching your search’ so I can’t purchase a subscription or access to the portal

    I’ve reached out to paragon media but haven’t heard anything back so wanted to ask on here if anyone has obtained access to the online portal if so how or if anyone had the back issue pdfs catalog I could purchase off them perhaps


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Can’t help with the online thing but I’ve been an intermittent purchaser of Aus Woodsmith for 20 years; if there are any specific issues you are looking for they are yours for the postage.
    Nothing succeeds like a budgie without a beak.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Coffs Harbour


    Have enjoyed their plans for a few different projects so no specific issues in mind just enjoyed browsing through the articles and plans on the iPad

    Appreciate the offer I’ll take a look through though to see if there are some specific issue numbers I find


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Port Sephens NSW Southside

    Default Woodsmith

    I received my last copy 177, via email on 14 June. The email said 178 will be emailed, still haven't seen it. I called them, left a couple of voice mails last week, still no reply.

    They discontinued 2 publications, Aust Male & Female health & put off staff (found this on Google).

    In March 2022 I paid for another 2 years, still 4 issues to come.

    Is the Editor AWS on this Forum, if so can can he give us an update.

    Email from June is below.

    Dear valued subscriber,

    Due to increased print and distribution costs, we have found that it is no longer viable to produce hard copies of Australian Woodsmith. Instead, we have produced Issue 177 in a digital format which can be accessed "here" (Link Removed) which you can read online, download or print your favourite articles. Australian Woodsmith has been serving the woodworking community for almost twenty-five years and we hope to continue to do so in the new format. We will email you a link to the next issue when it becomes available.

    I trust you understand the reasons for the changes and thank you for your understanding.
    Happy woodworking,



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Alexandra Vic


    Their articles are sourced mostly from Woodsmith in the US, although the US versions are in imperial dimensions and were reworked to metric prior to publishing in AWS. You can get online access to all editions of the US version for US$79, that would give you access to the imperial versions of every project AWS has ever published, plus a lot of projects that never made it to AWS. I have come across AWS articles that appear to be written for the local audience, but they primarily relate to Aussie timber discussions and promo/reviews advertorials of equipment sourced through local distributors.

    If this scattergun approach doesn't appeal and you only want a couple of particular articles, there are comprehensive indexes of their articles online and I believe that you can use them to locate the issues that contain the items of interest, and then purchase online copies of the appropriate issues, but the whole library access would be the better option if you wanted more than about 5 issues. Of course, articles are in imperial dimensions, but give a good insight into the design and fabrication if you can convert to metric, or wish to change dimensions to suit your intended placements etc.
    I used to be an engineer, I'm not an engineer any more, but on the really good days I can remember when I was.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Coffs Harbour


    Appreciate all the responses, I have also found random articles and projects with measurements etc which is great but not the whole magazine as I enjoy reading on the iPad.

    Also going digital makes sense and if they had to shrink etc I’ve seen that in multiple places so that all makes sense but my one gripe is, the website doesn’t allow me to actually buy the digital access. If I try add the subscription to my cart or the back issue index to the cart it says something like the product can’t be found and nothings added to the cart.

    So I reach out to ask ‘how do I buy your digital content’ and I’ve tried calling, found multiple emails from the editor to sales to admin and nothing. No answer on phone no reply I even tried on social media nothing.

    So I guess if someone already has access to the older dvd or usb or online access and is ok for me to flick them some $ for a copy then I’ll happily do so. I just found it odd, they must be allergic to making money from their customers

    I do have a full physical box with a number of issues thanks to other forum members, I’ve been flicking through which is great. I just enjoy having an index I can search and flick through on a computer so I can reference in the workshop or iPad also


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Coffs Harbour


    Update - they finally replied to my email and I now have access to the back issue index eventually got their attention


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Same here I tried for months to get mag 177 in the news agents and even they had no information from the suppliers as to the fate of Australian woodsmith. The web site has been stagnant for months, nothing happening and I also tried emailing them, no reply. I have been buying
    the magazine for 12 years and will be very disappointed if it disappears. May be they are going to 6 editions a year like the parent publication from the US. I can fully understand them wanting to go digital, while I prefer a hard copy that’s just how things are going these days. It would be nice to get some confirmation as to what is happening before we all go elsewhere for our woodworking fix.

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