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Thread: Treated Pine Framing or ?
3rd August 2023, 01:46 PM #1
Treated Pine Framing or ?
Planning my 4mX4m undercover deck (over a slab), are there any good framing alternatives to H3 treated pine ? TP would be my default but as it's been 10 years or so since I did a similar project wondering if any of the aluminium systems I see pop up on instagram are worth the extra cost OR H3 LVL ? Most likely use Spotted Gum decking.
SamYou boys like Mexico ?
17th August 2023, 03:06 AM #2
If DIY, I would go with whatever you are comfortable working with to get it finished the fastest, followed by price. It's an undercover deck so weather and the elements aren't going to be a problem.
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