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Thread: Trying a New Finish
22nd June 2023, 01:00 PM #1
Trying a New Finish
Have been using a combination of my own home made "shine juice" and U-BEAUT Aussie Oil for years now with good results. Went to place an order for some more of U-BEAUT's EEE Ultra Shine and Aussie Oil recently when I looked like running out of both, and notice on their website a new (to me) product - "Shellawax Glow" friction polish, so thought I'd give it a go and added a bottle of this to my order.
I received the order last week, and thought I'd try it yesterday on a pepper grinder I was making from a western gidgee and epoxy resin blank I cast some weeks ago. Must say I'm very impressed with the result. The photos don't do it justice, but this pepper grinder looks like it has a coating of glass. Shellawax Glow looks like being my new "go to" when it comes to polishing turned timber objects.
And the "Polishers Handbook" written by Neil Ellis which I purchased with this order will come in very handy - I'm loving what I have read so far.
IMG_3390.jpg IMG_3389.jpg IMG_3385.jpg
And it's got me beat why some of my photos are posting on their side lately on this forum. Has never happened to me before on this or the Land Rover forum (which uses the same software).
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4th July 2023, 02:19 PM #2
I have had a bottle of Shellawax sitting around half-used in my shed for about ten years, I decided to give it a go on my peppermills recently too! I just gave the bottle a good shake and it was ready to go. It is my go-to for Huon Pine as it avoids the problems of trying to put oil on that timber, it's oily enough already and oil finished will never properly cure. But it's also very good on the blackwood and myrtle mills that are also in the photo.
Be careful with that book, if you start French Polishing you might get hooked!
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5th July 2023, 12:32 PM #3
Hi mate.
I've also found that the Shellawax Glow works well on oily timbers. Finished this pair on the weekend and the finish turned out well.
IMG_3414.jpg IMG_3415.jpg
Love your row of pepper grinders. I've currently got a couple at similar shape to that on the go. Playing around with scrap timber offcuts and epoxy resin to fill cracks / hollows etc. I need to get myself a bigger pressure chamber though. The one I have now is not quite deep enough for the larger pepper grinder blanks.
Don't think there's much chance of me becoming addicted to french polishing - sounds too much like hard work. But I'm enjoying reading the book and it has given me a few ideas so far.
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