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  1. #181
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide Hills, South Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by BobL View Post
    Saw the kidney specialist today - it looks like my kidney (I only have one) issues have stabilised. It appears to have been increasingly stable over about the last 18 months possibly because my sarcoidosis is slowly fading away. Anyway he said there's no need for me to see him again. He's recommending my GP monitor things with 6 monthly blood tests and if things go wonky then get back to him.
    Always good when they don't want to see you again!
    Stay sharp and stay safe!


  2. #182
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Back in July 2016 the Lymph glands almost all over my body showed up as being over active suggesting I had either Lymphoma or Sarcoidosis or both. If you want to know what Sarcoidosis check out the first few posts in this thread. It took about 6 months and two biopsies to confirm it was not Lymphoma so then I started on a steroid and Hydroxychloroquine treatment. 6 year later I have finally got the all clear - well I still have to have 3 monthly blood tests and a PET sale this time next year.
    This disease usually lasts about 3-5 years so not that far out although I might have had it for a few years before I was diagnosed. I've been off the Hydroxychloroquine but now I can go off the steroids as well which I'm grateful for because it has been messing a bit with my blood sugars and being diabetic it did not help.

    If I'm still clear after 12 months the chances of return are about 2%

  3. #183
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Woodstock (Cowra)


    That's a great Christmas present
    The person who never made a mistake never made anything


  4. #184
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    moonbi nsw Aus


    Great news Bob
    Just do it!

    Kind regards Rod

  5. #185
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    back in Alberta for a while


    Quote Originally Posted by BobL View Post
    Back in July 2016 the Lymph glands almost all over my body showed up as being over active suggesting I had either Lymphoma or Sarcoidosis or both. If you want to know what Sarcoidosis check out the first few posts in this thread. It took about 6 months and two biopsies to confirm it was not Lymphoma so then I started on a steroid and Hydroxychloroquine treatment. 6 year later I have finally got the all clear


    I can [now] go off the steroids as well ...

    If I'm still clear after 12 months the chances of return are about 2%
    Given your recent bereavement, this has got to be about the best news you could receive

    regards from Alberta, Canada


  6. #186
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Since I last posted in this thread my knees especially the left one slowly turned to rubbish and were both constantly swollen and hot. Couldn't kneel down to tie shoelaces, all walking (more like shuffling) increasingly painful and taking analgesics and anti inflammatories about twice a day just to cope with day to day stuff like getting to sleep, shopping, and short (2500 step) walks for the dogs. Just sitting still my knees would throb. The GP kept talking knee replacements but in mid-Feb I decided to ask my GP for referral to the Physio that treated my right knew a few years back and got me back to 10,000 step walks with minimal pain.

    The previous physio was no longer there but her colleague said he reckoned he could sort me out. The first thing he got me to do was zero exercise, apply ice, and take anti inflammatories for a week to get the swelling down. Then in early March he assessed my pain levels and knee weight bearing capabilities and then started me on a light weight lifting program. The type of weight lifting is all leg based with minimal stain on knees but build up leg muscles to help support the knee and ankle joints.

    There were 6 different exercises, = leg press with both legs and single legs, step ups carrying hand weights, something called a Romanian Dead Lift, calf raises, and hip thrusts with weight on top of your gut.

    I'll just use one exercise as an example, the double leg press.
    I started out at twice a week for 3 weeks just pushing 100kg with 3 x 8 repeats and similar repeats for the other exercises. Then 120 kg for two weeks and then he tested how far I could push it and I managed to lift 165kg (just a couple of times - and my knees did indeed feel sore after that)

    Then he started me on a series of slowly increasing the weights and lowering the repeats over 6 week period..
    Week 1: 2 sessions at 130kg @ 3 x8 repeats,
    2: 2 sessions at 145kg @ 3 x 6,
    3: 2 sessions at 155kg @ 2 x 5.
    4: 140kg 3 x 8,
    5: 155kg @ 3 x 6
    6: 165kg for 3 x 5.
    And similar otters for all the other exercises.
    After the six weeks I could even do 3 x 8 repeats using weights 2.5 - 5 kg heavier than I had been originally assigned for week 6.

    So after 6 weeks I can now kneel down and tie my shoe laces with hardly any pain, analgesic and anti inflammatory use is down to about twice a week.
    I walk less on the days I lift the weights but over a week am averaging ~6000 steps a day over a week.
    I still feel sore after walking for the longer distances but my recovery is much quicker - usually about an hour or so .
    Last Saturday I even did 25 minute of Chainsaw work (~10kg chainsaw) and my knees pulled up just fine - shoulders and arms were a bit sore.

    The one thing I find still makes my knees sore is carrying a heavy weight while walking - eg last week I carried a 23kg 4WD battery for about 200m and that was painful after just about 20 m - I forgot to bring a trolley with me )

    Today I had another assessment and could leg press 235kg a couple of times - yes could feel my knees twinging.
    So now I've started another 6 week period of going from 165 to 235kg in a similar pattern to the previous 6 weeks.
    The physio reckons he I should be able to carry a 20+kg weight while walking some distance by the end of this period.

    I can really recommend this program if like me you don't want to have knee replacement surgery.

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default exercise program

    Well done Bob. Glad you're getting your mobility back. Did you join a gym to achieve this or do you have a suitable gym at home?

  8. #188
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by homesy135 View Post
    Well done Bob. Glad you're getting your mobility back. Did you join a gym to achieve this or do you have a suitable gym at home?
    I use the small gym at the physio's rooms for free. I just pay for the consult/assessment appointment once every 6 weeks.

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Just came back from my first full workout with the new weight regime - glutes and legs a bit jelly like, which is apparently a good thing, no worries with the knees.

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