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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    lower eyre peninsular

    Default moving ? email address

    the dear beloved is setting up a small markets style business, I set up an email address on my PC now I dont want to deal with her stuff, so how can I move it to her PC?
    I would love to grow my own food, but I can not find bacon seeds

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Almost certainly possible. Specifics depend on what you use to access it. Best way, though, is to use web mail and never have it physically stored on any device.
    Semtex fixes all

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    lower eyre peninsular


    if a 'tourist or similar wants to buy something after they have left town then they contact her via email..... have set it up as [email protected].

    I am a rack novice in this field
    I would love to grow my own food, but I can not find bacon seeds

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Alexandra Vic


    The email address is something supplied by your ISP for a primary email account, or selected by the user for secondary (other users on the connection) or third party accounts (gmail, hotmail etc). You then configure an email client on the appropriate device with the information required for the client and the selected user account.

    So what you have done is select and claim a suitable suitable address from whoever you have decided to work through, and configured an email client to access the selected address. You can configure a client on the spouses computer to access the account and simply delete or not log in to the client on your computer, problem solved.

    Email clients come in a variety of styles and capabilities, some like MS Outlook can handle multiple email addresses simultaneously within a single client, some like the Gmail client can handle multiple accounts but with only one being accessed at a time (i.e. you have to log out of an open email address, then log into the next in order to access multiple addresses), and there are probably some that effectively only deal with a single address once configured.

    Configuring a client on her machine would be a function of the email client used, the email account provider, and whether your wife wants to access her personal and business email addresses via the same client, and simultaneously or turn about. It's impossible to provide more info without knowing the account provider and preferred clients, but possibly the simple solution from a set up perspective, would be to use a different client for each account allowing both clients to open simultaneously and switching between clients, or a Gmail style setup where you log into one email account and work with that, then log out of it and log into the other account when you wish to access it, but this would become tedious over a work day if you assume that there would be a reasonable amount of traffic through both accounts.
    I used to be an engineer, I'm not an engineer any more, but on the really good days I can remember when I was.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    You cannot move the email address per se, no more than you can 'move' a physical address. You an decide who lives there.

    1) You could let SWMBO have the email address and create a new one for yourself, a free gmail acount or similar.

    2) She can create a new email address for herself (Gmail or similar).

    Assuming you have a broadband account (like to view web pages on), they probably allow you several email addresses. (But note if you change NBN providers you can end up losing your email acounts).

    If the question is just one of access to the same email account, then she just needs to set up either a mail program on her computer (Say Thunderbird or Outlook), or use webmail.

    If you get stuck send let me know or chat to a local computer savvy friend.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Ringwood, VIC


    If you access the email via a browser, then all you need to do is log in to the Gmail account on the new computer.

    If you are using an email client like Outlook, then probably the same - add the new account to the new computer in Outlook.
    It's most likely set up as an "imap" account.

    Both options mean the mail stays on the server, so regardless of where you access it from, the mail will be there.

    (if by some chance it was set up as "pop3" then you will need to copy the storage file to the new computer as well. But that is unlikely.

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