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31st October 2022, 09:40 AM #1
SWMBO has departed this mortal coil
Yesterday around lunchtime SWMNLBO suffered an aneurism followed by a heart attack and she passed away at 7:30 pm last night.
There was no sign she had been unwell , we had a coffee and a general chat on the front veranda and she continued to do some craft while I went inside to get myself some lunch. Around midday she came in to get lunch and went to the bathroom where she collapsed.
I was a blithering mess when it happened but the neighbours were fantastic. One called an Ambo and 2 started CPR (they had been on a course just 2 days before). 3 Ambos arrived within 15 minutes and they worked on her for about 30 minute before transferring her to hospital where they put her on a respirator and a scan showed the aneurism. My Dad died of the same thing 23 years ago so I knew then the general way this would eventually go.
The doctors were amazing and they even eventually raised a faint heartbeat but she was bleeding so badly her heart could not sustain any usable blood pressure and she died 7 hours late.
I have a son and daughter law and two small grandies but also a large extended family (9 siblings, 7 here in Perth) and fantastic neighbours who are all great support, but I have never felt so alone. My 2 dogs helped a bit last night when it got really bad. I've been walking aimlessly through the house this morning and her many finished and unfinished arts and crafts are everywhere. She was also a bit of a hoarder so there' all this (in my mind) useless crap around that part of me wants to get rid of immediately but another part says - she's bare left. . . . . .
She was only 67 and had suffered badly from severe vertigo for the last ~3 years which added to some mental illness issues and she became quite limited in what she was able to do eg could not drive. Over the last 6 months she had got some help with the mental illness and it seemed to be working cause she had just started driving short distances. We even started making some tentative plans but then . . . . .this.
One of the worst things I'm feeling is the regrets of what I never quite got around to telling her. Tell your loved ones those things now.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 , 0Tony Du thanked for this post
31st October 2022, 09:49 AM #2
My condolences.
Bare up
Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 , 0BobL thanked for this post
31st October 2022, 09:53 AM #3
My condolences Bob.
31st October 2022, 10:07 AM #4
Sorry to hear this Bob, I give you my condolences.
I am glad that you have family close by for support.Brad.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 , 0BobL thanked for this post
31st October 2022, 10:11 AM #5
My deepest sympathy Bob.
This is a time to keep friends and family close. The journey can be hard, but they will help
So sorry for your loss
Tom.... some old things are lovely
Warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them ........................D.H. Lawrence
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 , 0BobL thanked for this post
31st October 2022, 10:17 AM #6
Sorry to hear that news, Bob.
Mourn your loss but treasure your memories.
Take care.Tom
"It's good enough" is low aim
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 , 0BobL thanked for this post
31st October 2022, 10:21 AM #7
My deepest condolences. Whilst no one can say anything that will take your pain or loss away, sharing does still help.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 , 0BobL thanked for this post
31st October 2022, 10:40 AM #8
So sorry to hear this, Bob. It must be very difficult to lose such a close partner.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 , 0BobL thanked for this post
31st October 2022, 11:30 AM #9
Yes I'm feeling it very hard. Married for 45 years. Amanda was basically a very shy person but still followed me to all my academic postings overseas with out any complaints and kept house while I worked endless ours in labs. In retirement it was my turn to give back time to her interests and passions.
Creative, artistic, understated and persistent. Especially patient with our autistic grandson and on the way to showing our 3 year old grand daughter how to sew. I could share any successes, frustrations and failures with her, whether it was fixing a chainsaw, dealing with difficult staff at work, or developing a computer algorithm. She had a passion for wool craft, sewing and quilting, children and adult literature, all animals, especially horses, birds and dogs, cooking, and lately developing our small front garden. I could go on but that shows just some of the many aspects of her life. I consider myself very lucky to have shared the time we had together.
I remember when I first met her. we were both school teachers in a small country town. She had a new puppy and was building a low picket fence to keep it inside an outdoor laundry while she was at work. She had a cute dog and looked pretty handy with a hammer and saw, what could go wrong . . . . .
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31st October 2022, 12:15 PM #10
My sincere condolences Bob and your family, it is a shock when it happens, family, friends and your community here are all here whenever your need to talk
Cherish the memories of what you did togetherThe person who never made a mistake never made anything
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 , 0BobL thanked for this post
31st October 2022, 12:21 PM #11
There are no words.
Very sorry for your loss.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 , 0BobL thanked for this post
31st October 2022, 12:21 PM #12
Sorry to here that Bob my thoughts are with you and your family.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 , 0BobL thanked for this post
31st October 2022, 12:45 PM #13
Hi Bob,
My thoughts mirror the others on this forum.
You have my deepest condolences.
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31st October 2022, 01:29 PM #14
You have my deepest condolences. Perhaps its more comforting to know that Amanda passed relatively quickly. Keep busy and call upon you family and friends when needed.
Kind regards
In An Instant Your Life CanChange Forever
31st October 2022, 01:49 PM #15
My Condolences Bob
Treasure your memories with her, as it sounds like you had a great partner.Cheers
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