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Thread: PC Networking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Bundoora, Victoria

    Default PC Networking

    Does anyone have experience in connecting a Linux PC to a Windows 7/10 PC via the network.
    I can connect Windows PC to Windows PC OK.
    I can connect Windows to smart TV OK.
    I can't connect a laptop with Linux Mint installed to the Windows Network. I do see an icon on the Linux PC labelled "Windows Network" though.
    I have installed Linux Mint several times in different configurations but don't use the Terminal (only GUI).

    P.S. I purchased a HP Stream with Windows 10 installed and it really struggles.
    I blew it away and installed Linux Mint. Much much better.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Oberon, NSW


    Most likely you'll need to re-work the Samba config files.

    I haven't run Mint since the "cinnamon" versions but I remember Win giving me headaches over just this.

    The Linux Mint Forums should be a good resource to track down the required changes. A quick search there found: Windows10 and Samba File Sharing - Linux Mint Forums which appears to be directly relevant.
    I may be weird, but I'm saving up to become eccentric.

    - Andy Mc

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    We recently were forced to add a Raspberry Pi to our LAN and I recall Samba was initially not included and the drive would not mount. I have no idea of the technicality of it all so can't help beyond that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Bundoora, Victoria


    Many thanks guys.
    I have installed Samba and followed directions from some you tube sites but to no avail.
    I think that that earlier editions of Linux Mint handled networking differently. Not sure which edition when changes made.
    I seem to recall seeing somewhere that a setting in windows 10 needed changing (not the registry) but can't find it again.
    I have looked at the Linux Forums before but maybe not enough.

    I will check out the you tube sites you have mentioned and report back in a day or so.
    It really has been an interesting exercise installing Linux Mint on 5 different PC's with different issues.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    I run various Linuxes on my PCs, and have a few Raspberry Pi's as well (OctoPrint, Kodi).

    The PCs all still have their various Windows installations as an alternative boot, for Just-In-Case.

    The approach I now use is to install "No Machine" everywhere, even on my phone.

    It gives you remote viewing and control of other macines, and file transfer, which meets 99.36% of my needs.

    I really, really disliked constantly re-reconfiguring SAMBA ...


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Bundoora, Victoria


    I still have not solved the problem. There were two youtube videos relating to Linux Mint 20 (when the networking applications were changed).
    I followed both, stop starting at every step but still not working.
    I looked at the forum you mentioned and others had the same problem but to no avail.
    I think you are correct about being a Samba problem.
    I have not booted 2 pc's in Linux Mint mode yet, to try that but I can boot all of my PC's in Linux or Windows.
    I looked at "No Machine" which looked OK, but I don't want to start a new path just yet.
    The PC I am trying to use only has 120GB of storage so I think Sneakernet is the solution.
    For the younger members, we used Sneakernet when PC's only had floppy disks, no Networking and no internet. We copied files to floppies and walked (sneakers) to the other PC.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2018


    if you just want to share files then dropbox is an option.

    And have you considered another Linux flavour - I use Ubuntu. Toyed with mint and a few other flavours a while back and settled on Ubuntu. Just seemed a bit more cohesive.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Oberon, NSW


    I believe that Win10 has replaced Netbios with WS-Discovery. (WSD) Considering that Linux's SMB relies on Netbios to connect, that's probably your issue. (Pre Win10 the issue was due to a series of bugs caused by MS 'modifying' the SMBv1 protocol. )

    I also believe that you can install a WSD service on the Linux Box to get things working again, but I haven't tried this for myself so cannot confirm.

    However, I can tell you the steps to install and start the WSD on your Linux box if you want to try going down that path.
    I may be weird, but I'm saving up to become eccentric.

    - Andy Mc

  10. #10
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    Bundoora, Victoria


    When I first started playing with Linux, I spent a bit of time searching for the right Distro.
    In the end I selected Mint because it was the favorite and considered good for Windows users.
    I tried dual boots and triple boots and stuffed up and had to re-install everything again. We call this the learning curve.
    I now have a HP Stream with Only Linux Mint installed.
    For my other PC's and Laptops I have Linux Mint installed on a portable SSD drive that I can use on any machine. I select it when booting.
    I will have a play with Virtual Box one day.

    I have never used Dropbox or other Cloud services before. I want to be in charge of my own data.


  11. #11
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    Bundoora, Victoria


    One of the Youtubers was using Linux Mint 20 but with Windows 7, which would explain your comment re Netbios.
    The other one used Windows 10 but I got EXTRA error messages. The forum had all of the Commands to put in to overcome it but I did not want to go down this path.
    I have used DOS Command lines etc years ago and can still use it when I have to but with Linux, if I type in a command and get an unexpected result, I don't have the expertise to resolve.
    Although I could do a fresh install.
    My HP Stream Laptop has a total storage capacity of 32GB (this is not a typo) which I use for the OS and Home Directory.
    I purchased an extra 120GB SD Card to provide for more data storage. I only use this PC when babysitting the Grand kids or when we go Cruising.
    Hence the comment about using Sneakernet.


  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Oberon, NSW



    I've no intention of setting up WSD on my home LAN either.

    It's nice to have an OS that'll run well on older HW, especially one that can be configured to do what you want how you want and then add any eye-candy or bloatware if so desired.

    However, regardless of the 'flavour' of Linux you choose, it does need a modicum of expertise with CLI and a smattering of computer literacy to get the most out of it.
    I may be weird, but I'm saving up to become eccentric.

    - Andy Mc

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Bundoora, Victoria


    Well guys I can now move files between Windows and Linux but probably a bit convoluted but here goes.
    I have one PC running only Windows 10. I have one Toy laptop running Linux Mint
    I also have one minitower running Windows 11 and 3 or 4 versions of Linux.

    The minitower has drive bays so all drives can be installed from the front of the case, none screwed inside.
    I have one drive split into 2 partitions for Data. One partition EXT4 for Linux and one partition NTFS for Windows.
    In one drive bay I can plug in a 120GB SSD with Windows 11 installed OR one 500GB SSD with 3 or 4 Linux versions installed in a multiboot setup.
    Running Windows I can save data to the NTFS drive (partition) over the network.
    When I boot into Linux from any Distro I can move data from the Linux partition to the NTFS Windows partition. Linux can read and write to NTFS.

    I use Linux Warpinator to connect other linux boxes together.
    I will still play around with getting the boxes to talk properly over the network one day.

    All of this Covid has been good, MY PC hobby has allowed me to take over from the woodwork.

    I now have a spare NVME 250GB SSD so I will install the Linux Distro's on it on the motherboard.
    I will arrange the SATA SDD in the drive bay for the Linux Home partition and the NTFS partition.

    Well that is it for now.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    One could also boot to Windows and run all your Linux'en in Oracle VM VirtualBox.

    These VMs can mount all the drives you need and share them as if its a network share.

    This will save you the annoyance of going from physical-machine-to-machine to test various configs. Saves frigging around with SSH or remote viewers.

    If you wish to run a machine that doesn't use a GUI, such as server versions, one can install WebMin. This tool is pretty neat and makes setting up SAMBA very simple.


    All these are free.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Bundoora, Victoria


    Thanks mate.
    I was going to play with VirtualBox one day. I could certainly do it on my Windows 10 box (6 cores, 12 threads).
    My Linux/Windows 11 box is made out of bits and pieces. It only has an Athlon 300G CPU, (2 cores/4 threads) and would probably struggle running virtualbox.
    The linux windows box is a testbed (more so trying Windows 11) before I commit. I only had to pay for the front mounted drive bays, which is for convenience.
    I sort of like playing with the hardware.


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