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Thread: Which Airline

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Murray Bridge SA

    Default Which Airline

    A man is sitting alone in an airport lounge.

    A beautiful woman walks in and sits down at the table next to him. He is assuming that because she wears a uniform, she's probably an off-duty flight attendant for some airline.

    Wanting to impress her, he decides to try identifying the airline for which she flies, thereby impressing her.

    He leans across to her and says the British Airways motto: 'To Fly. To Serve'?

    The woman looks at him blankly.

    He leans forward again and delivers the Air France motto: 'Winning the hearts of the world'?

    Again, she just stares at him with a slightly puzzled look on her face.

    Undeterred, he tries again, this time saying the Malaysian Airlines motto: 'Going beyond expectations'?

    The woman looks at him sternly and says: “What the ***k do you want?”

    “Aha! he says, "Qantas!”
    To grow old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Mt Crosby, Brisbane


    I would have said Jetstar...
    I'm just a startled bunny in the headlights of life. L.J. Young.
    We live in a free country. We have freedom of choice. You can choose to agree with me, or you can choose to be wrong.
    Wait! No one told you your government was a sitcom?

  3. #3
    rrich Guest


    The oldest passenger cartage airline in the US was Western Airlines. In the commercial, 'Gumby' the bird was sitting on the fuselage and leaning against the tail sipping Champaign and saying, "Western Airlines, the only way to fly." Then a destination city would popup on the tail.

    I flew them so much that employees in several of the airport lounges knew me by name. In Portland, I asked where the now Sky Club was. I was told that there wasn't but there is a conference room where "We just had a lunch" and that I could wait in there. I ate some food and had a couple of drinks before leaving to board my plane. I spent so much time in these lounges that I bought a life time membership for the outrageous sum $600 from Western. At one point I was commuting every other weekend between the Los Angeles area and Northern Virginia. That lasted for 8 months.

    Then disaster struck and Western was acquired by 'Cattle Cars of the Air', (a.k.a. Delta). After several months I was talking to an attendant at the Sky Club that was formerly a Western employee but now worked for Delta. She had been an attendant in the club for 20+ years. Now she was being forced to fly and bid on routes, etc. It seems that the Western employees had zero seniority in the Delta system. She said that she would fly for a bit more than a year and take early retirement.

    The Delta people had names for other employees. You were RD or OW. Real Delta or Old Western. For about 20 years afterward I spot the OW vs. the RD people at 30,000 feet. It is 'What more can I do for you?' vs. 'The union said this is all I have to do.'

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 1999
    Westleigh, Sydney


    An oldie but a goodie.
    Visit my website

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    back in Alberta for a while


    Similarly old ...

    would Sir like Pan Am coffee or TWATe
    regards from Alberta, Canada


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