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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 1999
    Grovedale (Geelong) Victoria

    Default Pics from CVWG (Main Woodworkers) WOODIES SWAP MEETS

    CVWG is/was initially the Central Victorian Woodworkers Guild and later became Maine Woodworkers (Maine being short for Castlemaine)

    Going through the old pic as per my previous thread I found a heap of shots from the Welshmens Reef "Woodies Swap Meet"

    These events were held over a period of 9 years from 1989 to 1998 at our rambling old historical homestead property in Welshmans Reef, Central Victoria.
    The big barn had date on the wall 1860 marking the start of a big chaff cutting job. I was told there were often wagons loaded high with grasses stretching almost the entire length of Trudgeons Rd (approx 1.5km) waiting to get their loads cut into chaff on the areal shot below the attached shed to the Big Barn housed the stationary engine that drove 3 chaff cutters. The floor through the centre of the barn was dirt in one side and out the other to enable th horses to grip the ground to bring their loads in and out.
    Aerial pic of venue from Google Maps below:
    Welshmans reef 2.jpg

    First photos I have are from the 2nd Swap Meet 1990 if anyone recognises themselves feel free to say so.
    This one was attended by around 970 people, 1st one had around 700 attendees. We eventually got up to just over 5,000 attendees for a 1 day event, more than attended Timber & Working With Wood Show the same year

    Below left n centre: wood, wood and more wood Right: Rare Woods from Melbourne first time out to sell at any venue.
    lots of wood.jpg more wood.jpg rare woods.jpg
    Left and Centre: More forecourt shots Right: Gawd! What's he off buying now?
    forecourt2.jpg forecourt.jpg wheresegone.jpg

    Below Sale and demo Centre & Right: CVSW (Central Victorian School of Woodcrafts) and U-Beaut Polishes (me) in Big Barn
    the barn.jpg CVSW.jpg CVSW2.jpg

    Old school too sales

    Below: Food. Centre: Pauline helping with food at her feet Sheeba our long gone, loved by all bully.
    cookie cookin.jpgfood.jpg

    A few cars: Both sides of the road for 1/2km and up the side road for 200mt taken at 12 noon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    South Australia


    A mate an I drove over in I think 1992, and attend that event, I picked up some African Blackwood, made a set Of Highland pies form it ( because someone told I could not do it ) we use have similar events in SA sadly they have all dried up, not even a Timber and Working With wood show these days.

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