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4th April 2021, 01:28 AM #1
how to remove or blend in this wood floor burn (idk the wood type)
got a big problem - smoked shisha indoors and accidentally moved the shisha. it fell. managed to catch 2 coals one dissapeared. turns out it was under my foot and created a hole and burn in the wood. i attach a imgur link with the image
problemo - Album on Imgur
an fix this somehow or blend it to the surrounding? also if possible with everyday stuff or easily accesable stuff as with corona most stores are closed
4th April 2021, 01:25 PM #2
Welcome to the forum.
The main question is how deep is the burn? This will determine whether it’s a cover-up or repair job.
4th April 2021, 02:29 PM #3
Welcome to the forum.
5th April 2021, 09:49 AM #4
Welcome to the forum
5th April 2021, 10:16 AM #5
Well I have had a think about your problem. I guess I would start by sanding the charred area to minimise the darkened area. I would also look at sanding some of the floorboard in another area to give some sawdust to mix with PVA glue to use as a putty.
The devil in me suggests you buy a rug, but of course that is not helpful
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