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  1. #1
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    Feb 2016
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    Default BATTERY tech - astounding new development

    I'm an advocate for new tech to solve the worlds CO2, warming, pollution, etc.

    No secret there.

    Even though I own coal shares (fat profits!) they are a foul industry and need to be killed.

    This tech might go some way to doing that - THIS RELEASED TODAY......

    French company Nawa technologies says it's already in production on a new electrode design that can radically boost the performance of existing and future battery chemistries, delivering up to 3x the energy density, 10x the power, vastly faster charging and battery lifespans up to five times as long. NewAtlas reports: Nawa is already known for its work in the ultracapacitor market, and the company has announced that the same high-tech electrodes it uses on those ultracapacitors can be adapted for current-gen lithium-ion batteries, among others, to realize some tremendous, game-changing benefits. It all comes down to how the active material is held in the electrode, and the route the ions in that material have to take to deliver their charge. Today's typical activated carbon electrode is made with a mix of powders, additives and binders. Where carbon nanotubes are used, they're typically stuck on in a jumbled, "tangled spaghetti" fashion. This gives the charge-carrying ions a random, chaotic and frequently blocked path to traverse on their way to the current collector under load.

    Nawa's vertically aligned carbon nanotubes, on the other hand, create an anode or cathode structure more like a hairbrush, with a hundred billion straight, highly conductive nanotubes poking up out of every square centimeter. Each of these tiny, securely rooted poles is then coated with active material, be it lithium-ion or something else. The result is a drastic reduction in the mean free path of the ions -- the distance the charge needs to travel to get in or out of the battery -- since every blob of lithium is more or less directly attached to a nanotube, which acts as a straight-line highway and part of the current collector. "The distance the ion needs to move is just a few nanometres through the lithium material," Nawa Founder and CTO Pascal Boulanger tells us, "instead of micrometres with a plain electrode."


    It gives me hope.

    Wind, solar, geothermal, solar collection, hydro..... Death to coal!

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  3. #2
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    Sorry to burst your bubble, but 3X current energy density isn't going to help renewables replace coal & gas for baseload, dispatchable power. 300X is what's needed.

  4. #3
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    Ah Sir!

    I think you may find yourself incorrect!

    I'm no scientist, but I read the science journals every day.

    Coal and gas as an energy source is dead.

    Its a walking corpse. The ONLY reason I own shares in WHC is their coal is the best in the world (last to be struck off the buyers list) and it has 1000 other "non fuel" uses that other coal cannot be used for.

    The future is Solar, wind, hydro, geothermal.... storage in batteries, pumped hydro, compressed air storage*

    * I've invested in this, bigly! This is SO EXCITING its crazy. In YEAR ONE it is profitable. It supplies 200k homes in Scotland with 100% of their power, ALL generated by the grid and bought by the company on normal commercial rates. It is a total winner.

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