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31st August 2020, 07:25 PM #1
Australia Post: not delivering, making false statements and providing fake signature
I'm struggling with Australia post since last November.
I posted 2 registered letters (in 2 different dates) and I opted for signature and confirmation of delivery.
I received the first confirmation card signed by someone else at that address.
Second envelope, it took one month so I started complaining, Australia Post provided me with a screenshot of something which looks like a fake signature.
They pretended me to believe that they delivered the envelop and someone at the address signed it.
It's clearly a fake and Australia Post is not delivering letters.
I complained to the Ombudsman and after wasting a lot of time with them they closed my case and said that they don't have the legal authority and cannot compel Australia Post in dealing with this case.
Another registered letter this time posted in July, still no news about the confirmation and signature.
Again I complained to them and am still waiting and waiting!
Has anyone experienced something similar, what is your suggestion?
Can I call this a fraud, providing a fake signature?
31st August 2020, 08:00 PM #2
For a start you would need signed statements from the addressee/s for confirmation and signature comparison.
I didn't read whether the addressee/s actually got the letters or not.
Also, were the letters to different addresses.
What supporting evidence did you provide to the Ombudsman.
Try making inquiries rather than complaints until you have documentary proof.
Good luck.
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ubeaut liked this post
31st August 2020, 08:01 PM #3
Sub contractors, under the pump from Aus post.
I've had the delivery guy stop outside and throw in the letterbox the card saying noone home and collect from local po.
I was home and watched him, he didn't come past the letterbox. I didn't have a chance to get to the front door....
Signature on delivery. They don't check id of recipient and don't care. I'd also say the signature on the digital device done with a finger is a joke.
With technology why not a photo of recipient with parcel/letter.
31st August 2020, 08:42 PM #4
We're semi rural & our post lady is exceptional. She's not suposed to deliver parcels, but does. If we're home she drives up to the house & takes a photo of us with the parcel. If we're not home she puts them in a seat locker on our porch & locks the padlock on it. When we were in Sydney it was more like what you're experiencing.
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31st August 2020, 08:42 PM #5
In first and second envelope there were legal documents related to a ongoing magistrate application (on hold now due to Covid) and the other party already stated in documents served to the court that they don't know and they didn't receive any documents (related to what I'm talking about) so that is plenty of evidence.
31st August 2020, 08:47 PM #6
31st August 2020, 11:06 PM #7
i think you'll find that AusPost are doing what they're required to do - delivering them to a location and getting a signature - unless you explicitly paid for the optional person-to-person delivery?
If you're talking legal documents, then you need a better burden of proof so I'd start looking at the relevant jurisdiction for guidance - this one was just early in the search results that was relevant and shows that at a minimum you need a signed document from the person who delivered the documents.
This ultimately isn't an AusPost problem.
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ubeaut liked this post
31st August 2020, 11:39 PM #8
It's in the title and just in case you don't know registered envelops only have two option "person to person (SIGNATURE) and confirmation of delivery".
If you're talking legal documents
This ultimately isn't an AusPost problem.
1st September 2020, 08:02 AM #9rrich Guest
After seeing what is going on here, half the planet away, I would say that Trump might just believe that some ex-Pats are living in OZ and want to vote.
He has been messing with our post office in an attempt to stifle the mail in vote. Maybe he has been manipulating the Australian Post also.
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1st September 2020, 08:51 AM #10
Your title doesn't contain anything about whether you paid the extra for person-to-person. Neither does your opening statements, which just say "and I opted for signature and confirmation of delivery" which implies you did NOT use the person-to-person option.
Well, no, you're wrong. Read the options you have at Registered Post letters - Australia Post and you will see that it clearly shows proof returned to you of signature is one option, and the second option is to have person-to-person delivery. That's the only way that AusPost can be asked to deliver this to a nominated individual, rather than fronting up to an address and getting anybody's signature (fake or real) and then they've met their required activities. It's an optional (extra fee) service so they can hang around while the person who the letter is addressed to gets their ID to prove it's them.
OK, so they became important, that's now clear, and that may have meant you may have chosen a different delivery option in hindsight.
I can't see how you can support your own statement that they are making false statements. What have they said, and what can you prove is false, in what they gave you? I'm not saying there is no chance they have not delivered this to the right person (we've all seen ACA or any number of news shows where it's clear that people were home and mail was mishandled or only a delivery card was left) but that doesn't mean that they have misled you. They have said they delivered the letter and took a signature; you suspect that the signature is a fake, but you can't prove that the signature was done by an AusPost person and not the person who opened the door. The fact that you are in court over this sounds like it has become adversarial with the intended recipient, which means they may have no reason to support you against auspost, but you also have no proof that what they say is correct, that they didn't take delivery of the letter. And the only way AusPost can be held accountable to deliver the letter to the named person on the letter is with an optional service you haven't taken up.
Clearly this isn't the place to get legal advice about going up against AusPost, and clearly I have pressed a button here. But clearly there's a lot of passion on your behalf, and lack of facts (that you will probably never be get sufficient evidence to prove beyond a doubt) and that puts you in a situation. But again, this is a woodwork forum.
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1st September 2020, 10:09 AM #11
1st September 2020, 05:46 PM #12
Settle down allfix.
As Poundy said this is a Woodwork Forum. However you were sensible enough to put it in the right place: NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH WOODWORK. So I'll weigh in with my bit on recent dealings with Australia post. Not exactly the same as yours but none the less bloody annoying.
Don't know when you're talking about but unless you've been living somewhere else in this world for the last few months you may have noticed we are in the midst of a pandemic that is causing all sorts of problems for people and businesses especially now in Melbourne.
I get post delivered that mostly has to be signed for. However if you're non contact as most Melbournians now are or should be you don't sign for anything. If our mail delivery people requiring a signature, they have for the last few months been taking a photo of the article in place where it was asked to be put. If someone says the definitely have to get a signature I say put an X in the signature place and take a photo.
Having said all that I have over the last couple of weeks had a problem getting parcels delivered through AU Post or at least getting any tracking info from them.
Quick short story. I had an email from Scotland Monday night a package (free Postage) had just been shipped (roughly 200mm square and weighing 1.5kg) That box arrived Wednesday Morning via AU Post contractor Startrack that Tuesday I ordered a bigger box from the other side of Adelaide which arrived (same way) on Wednesday morning. Both were free post and the service was BRILLIANT.
However on that same Tuesday I ordered paid for some important and urgently needed electrical equipment from Packenham Vic. It was picked up that same day and went to Dandenong was supposed to be delivered that Friday. Well Friday came and went tracking said it would now be delivered on Wed which came and went then tracking said DELAYED. I went nuts as some are want to do. Finally late on the following Friday I got a message apologising for the delay and siting COVID and system failure of machinery at the sorting centre in Dandy and it will arrive Monday.
Yeah right. I'll believe that when I see it. Sunday evening at 6:35 there was a ding don from the front door and there miraculously was my package. 13 days late and a day early. My daughter receiver a delivery at Lethbridge way outside Geelong at 9:30 that same Sunday night.
Gotta give Australia Post their due for trying to clear the backlog as and when they could. Full points to them for the 2 deliveries Sunday nigh.
Cheers - Neil
PS Still waiting on something sent from USA 2 mth and 1 week ago with no tracking form the US side at all.
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1st September 2020, 06:23 PM #13
Aust Post told me I was wasting my money paying for signature on delivery as they don’t get people to sign at the moment.
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1st September 2020, 07:17 PM #14
There is nothing to settle down my friend as I've simply told what happened to me since November 2019 and so it got nothing to do with Covid.
Perhaps you should settle down?
But listen to me ubeaut, if this got nothing to do with Woodwork, why are you here posting in an off topic thread and saying off topic stuff?
You should go check your friend Poundy's threads instead of wasting your time in off topic thread.
Or maybe you're collecting scores and credits and aiming at become the forum's moderator?
You done your job here ubeaut so now you are free to moderate other threads.
And like your friend said, you can click on report and you are done for good.
1st September 2020, 07:18 PM #15