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Thread: Sawbench

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Melbourne, Australia


    Dave, no need to appologise. Like Ian, I just wanted to keep the subject on track.

    One develops a fairly thick skin being a Christian, but occasionally it doesn't hurt to remind mates that there are limits to humor.

    You will note that I have been smiling all the way through this, and still am.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    I lloked at several second hand benches and bid on several at auction befor I baucht mine.
    I found that they were
    over priced,
    realy old
    lacked proper safety equipment.
    were incomplete.
    three phase
    just huge

    You can be lucky I supose.
    I was offered a well used but ok altendoorf for $4500
    A real bargin for someone who could use it.
    But it was way too big, too dear, ran on 3 phase & would have cost me a additional $500 to get it home & in working shape.

    There is an old single phase altendorf without tilt or scribe that has been circulating arround slacks creek for years, helping get blokes started.

    If you buy new you can make your choice.

    I don't regret the purchase of my tiwanese machine for a minute & the more of other peoples benches I see the happier I am.

    Checked out a mates european combo the other day. nice machine but, I dont think it would take a solid thump and stay straight.


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Western Australia


    Like Soundman said you can be lucky but luck is only part of the equation.
    if you're patient and willing to research your needs the right machinery will often turn up.It's a question of how much effort you're prepared personally to put in.
    I know of folk who have gone out and bought what they thought they needed only to be disappointed that it dosen't meet their eventual expectations.Most of us have probably been there but also learn't along the way that putting up with what you have until either your budget or your improved expertise allows for an opportunity to present itself.
    In my case after time spent with a pressed metal bench it was a blessing in the form of my local bloke who had worked in the cabinetry business(and knows his machinery) for years who sold me his own personal combination European machine at thousands of dollars below new cost and THIS machine can take a bloody Knock and handle heavy timber unlike lesser machines or pressed metal benches.
    This is in comparison of similar machinery that he displays on his shop floor at prices that I wasn't interested in.
    There are of course some shonky gear out there and if you then know your way about cheaper machinery can be useful providing that you know that parts/accessories are readily available to get it up and/or running to your requirements.
    The one important factor in all this is to assess your probable needs in the long term and then make the right decision rather than the protracted upgrading such as I have done.

    Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.

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