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29th April 2020, 02:02 PM #1
Blimey Teddy - Ya gotta be jokin'
Just got the news that The 100% Etanol we use in all our Friction Polishes and Shellac products has had a ballistic price rise thanks to COVID-19 and everyone wanting to cash-in on making hand sanitizer.
Price has jumped by 200% to over $900 per drum. Not only that we have been allocated 2 drums over 2 months because we're a regular. Wow thanks for that. We usually get 8+ drums over a 2 mth period.
So 2mths worth would have been $2640 Now $7440 or would be if we could get it.
But wait there's more.... The price of our dewaxed white shellac has also just had a massive price but not because of COVID-19 so I guess that's not as bad as the ethanol.
Wow.. Pile on the agony, eh.
Anyone in need of anything should maybe get in while the getting good, either with Online Order or or one of the small survival kits from previous post.
Cheers - Neilit is possible there will be a glut
PS It's possible that some time in the (probably) way distant future after everyone and his dog has finished cashing in on COVID-19 the price may come back to what it should be. With luck there might be a glut and we'll get a really good price break. If they don't decide to price gouge as has happened in the past with other suppliers we've dealt with over the years.
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29th April 2020, 03:52 PM #2
That is disgusting. Hope it drops through the floor when they have a glut.
29th April 2020, 06:58 PM #3
Talking with a long time neighbour who is a purchasing officer for QLD Health the other morning. He says there are far more greedy price rises on PPE in the order of 1000% or more for some items. I saw one post claiming a box of N95 masks has gone from around $40 to $780!
Hopefully some sanity will prevail soon. Perhaps time for a moonshine still in the backyard.Mobyturns
In An Instant Your Life CanChange Forever
29th April 2020, 08:49 PM #4Perhaps time for a moonshine still in the backyard.
Hahaha... That'd be no good for what we need. Probably have to get a Jalopy a machine gun, zoot suit and a fedora hat to run it across the county line. I do look good in a fedora hat though.
Might be more profitable although I might drink the profits.
PS Don't drink Shellawax it'll polish you off, but you'll have a beautiful finish.
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30th April 2020, 09:26 AM #5
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ubeaut liked this post
30th April 2020, 11:20 AM #6Someone needs to take Trump outside and give him a few of these.
Don't listen to idiots.
Don't inject or drink bleach or disinfectant, etc.
Doing that will kill you and you definitely won't have a beautiful finish.
Sorry I was just being sarcastic. NOT!
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