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Thread: Weber kettle lid shape.
28th April 2020, 09:32 PM #1
Weber kettle lid shape.
I want to make something similar to a Weber Kettle BBQ lid shape, I dont.
even have a crappy Kettle lid,
It needs to be around that size, How could I make a fibreglass mold that shape,
IF, I cannot get a kettle lid what other brainwave ideas can you come up with around the 600mm diaI would love to grow my own food, but I can not find bacon seeds
29th April 2020, 04:22 AM #2
my assumptions
1. The fibreglass mold needs to approximate -- but not match -- the shape of a Weber kettle lid.
2. The object you are planning to make will not be subjected to heat.
3. You only need to make one or two fibreglass objects.
make the mold from solid wood (radiata pine should work nicely) using brick laying construction.
use normal PVA as the glue.
make sure you align the wood bricks so that the grain runs "downhill". i.e. the direction the tool will run when you are shaping the mold.
don't worry about shaping the inside just leave it higgly piggly from how you have placed the wood bricks.
shape the outside "approximately" round using a spoke shave.
cover the mold with a release agent. Plastic packaging tape should work nicely.
have at it with the glass fabric and resin.
have funregards from Alberta, Canada
29th April 2020, 08:29 AM #3
The easiest way will be to find something the shape you want and cast a female mould over it.
If you can’t get a lid perhaps a rubber ball of suitable size and clamp it between two pieces of timber to elongate the shape and cast off that
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29th April 2020, 10:53 AM #4
This has already been done by me using 3mm MDF, do a search in the DE forum and you will find it.
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