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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Riverhills, Brisbane


    Hope you are able to get the procedure done soon. SWMBO is scheduled for a knee replacement at end of May and her specialists believes it is still on now that elective surgery bans have been lifted. When she asked about whether it would be postponed due to any backlog, she was told that the scheduled ops will go ahead on the dates planned and the ones that have been cancelled during the past month will be slotted in when time permits at a later date. Unfair to those like yourself that were ahead in the queue.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    back in Alberta for a while


    Quote Originally Posted by skot View Post
    Hope you are able to get the procedure done soon. SWMBO is scheduled for a knee replacement at end of May and her specialists believes it is still on now that elective surgery bans have been lifted. When she asked about whether it would be postponed due to any backlog, she was told that the scheduled ops will go ahead on the dates planned and the ones that have been cancelled during the past month will be slotted in when time permits at a later date. Unfair to those like yourself that were ahead in the queue.
    realistically I can't see any alternate option.

    If those elective surgery patients who were cancelled because of Covid-19 were given priority, then the pipeline of elective surgery patients would be disrupted for months and months.
    To my mind it's far better to slot the "cancelled" patients in whenever they can be accommodated.
    regards from Alberta, Canada


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