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14th April 2020, 02:50 PM #1
Decorative edge caulking on timber table
Hi folks,
I'm sanding and refinishing this coffee table. it has a black caulking around the seams as a decorative feature. Could someone tell me what product I should use to refill this line? I'm thinking Timbermate or Gilly's beeswax filler stick in black. Any tips on the technique of re-filling this gap with a black filler?
Photos attached.
Many thanks
19th April 2020, 09:45 PM #2
I wouldn't use Timbermate. It will crack and fall out. The reason they used caulk originally is to allow the middle panel to expand and contract inside the mitred edging. I would refinish the wood, then mask the join and fill the gap with Sikaflex Pro.
20th April 2020, 01:57 AM #3
It was used in low cost construction in the seventies came in rolls, have not seen it since as said above a product such as Sikaflex pro
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