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  1. #46
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    Thanks for the well wishes Euge and Chief Tiff. Gabriel and That bloke whose name we do not mention have also contacted me with apologies and wishes for a great day for all of us.

    It's 23 degrees here right now, no wind or rain. Looks like being a great day. We have sufficient indoor and outdoor options to survive anything the Melbourne weather throws at us.

    Looking forward to a great social day.
    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  2. #47
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    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  3. #48
    Join Date
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    Thanks Doug and Jools for hosting another great day. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Box Hill RSL on 28th October. More details next week.


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  5. #49
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    Thanks Doug an Jools.
    For being fantastic hosts with the mosts.
    Also thanks for free timber guys .

    Cheers Matt an Sally.

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  7. #50
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    Well that's over for another year.

    With eleven people in attendance it was a bit smaller than last year but just as enjoyable.

    Thanks everyone for coming along. It was a great group of people to share the day with.

    While the Ladies gathered on the back deck the blokes went to the shed and congregated around my half-finished workbench. I had to assemble the giant dovetail joining the shoulder vise arm to the long end-cap to show that it fits. Then I was told I left no room for any glue in the joint . I hope I can do the rest of the dovetails on the bench so nicely.

    There was a lot of interest in some of the upgrades I have done since the last Open Shed, such as my drill press sanding station and the Ivac gear I have purchased to get my dust extraction automated. Bohdan demonstrated his Domino jig which has some innovative and clever features.

    After lunch Pagie challenged me to square up a piece of a Gidgee branch about 220mm long with the machinery I had in the shed. Everything had been pushed into the corners to make space for the GTG but I managed to get out a belt sander and large bandsaw, flattened one side on the sander then ran the flat side up the bandsaw fence and then cut the other two sides parallel. Job done in under 10 minutes including setup .

    I am not sure how much of the timber or tools people brought actually got swapped but I know that a lot was left on the table for me when everyone had gone home.

    Did I mention that there was plenty to eat? Thanks everyone for making it a great day.

    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  8. #51
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    Ok, I reckon by the time gatherings are allowed again there will not be enough of 2020 left to fit in an open shed day, so we will take the year off and see how we go in 2021.

    Jools and I wish everyone a safe 2020. Keep washing those hands and keep your distance in the shops and survive. Happy toilet paper hunting.
    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  9. Thanks Euge, Oldgreybeard thanked for this post
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  10. #52
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