Even polite Australians are fed up with protestors.

This story was submitted by someone who witnessed the incident in an
underground station in Melbourne. "There were protesters on the Flagstaff
station concourse handing out pamphlets criticising Australia for its policy
towards political refugees, Muslims who were looking for a better life,
participation in the Iraq war and continued presence in Afghanistan. I was
approached by a protestor with a pamphlet but politely declined to take one.

An elderly woman behind me was getting off the escalator and a young
(20-ish) female protester offered her a pamphlet, which she also politely
declined. The young protester put her hand on the woman's shoulder as a
gesture of friendship and in a quiet voice said; 'Madam, don't you care
about the children of Iraq?' The elderly woman looked up at her and said;
'My dear, my father died in North Africa during World War 2, I lost my
husband in Korea and my grandson in Afghanistan. All three died so you could
have the right to stand here and criticise our country. If you touch me
again, I'll stick this umbrella up your a**e and trust me, I'll open it'."

Don't you love it when the elderly stand their ground