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29th September 2019, 06:14 PM #31
I will bring a couple and maybe some timber.
I am learning, slowley.
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doug3030 thanked for this post
29th September 2019, 07:47 PM #32
Maureen & I will be there. Would you like Maureen to knock up a pasta salad? Will see if I have some suitable timber for the swap table.
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29th September 2019, 07:58 PM #33
Doug, for those who don't know or have forgotten you address (like me!!) will you PM your address.
Bob aka oldgreybeard.
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29th September 2019, 08:04 PM #34
Looking forward to it
See ya there
Cheers Matt
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29th September 2019, 09:11 PM #35
30th September 2019, 09:24 PM #36
Those who have not already done so - please reconfirm your attendance or otherwise so we have a better idea of numbers etc. I will be sending out my address and mobile number in case you get lost by PM in the next day or two. For planning purposes we are very close to the APCO service station on the corner of Morris and Reserve roads Hoppers Crossing.
Just a few little items of shed etiquette so we all know what to expect -
We live right at the end of a Court. As is the case in most courts this means a lot of driveways in a small area so it may not be possible for everyone to park at the front door. Please respect the neighbors' driveways. I have to live here after everyone has gone home.
Once you have parked, come up the driveway and enter through the garage, through the open rolla-door. Do not knock on the front door - there will probably not be anyone in the house to hear you.
Please bring your own chairs if you can. We have a limited number of spare chairs for those who may not be able to bring their own for whatever reason.
There will be some fridge space available to put your drinks in, but it may fill up quickly. Alcohol is permitted but common sense is to prevail. If you choose to drink do not expect to play with any toys with sharp bits or spinning parts
There is no need to dress up to visit my shed. Dress in your shed clothes or at least something comfortable that you don't mind getting dirty in if the opportunity arises. Enclosed footwear is recommended.
Tablesaws, bandsaws, jointers, thicknessers, drill presses, milling machines, vises, forges, anvils and lathes or anything else made of steel or cast iron are not considered as suitable places to put your drink down.
We are providing a basic barbecue lunch, Some other attendees have indicated that they are bringing other food to share. It is your choice whether to bring any food or not. Contributions of food are appreciated but are entirely your own free choice and we will not be keeping score of who does or does not contribute and I trust that nobody else will either. We never truly know what someone else's circumstances are and I do not want anyone who cannot afford to contribute to feel at all uncomfortable or unwelcome, or even worse, not come at all.
It is a condition of our lease that smoking is not permitted in the undercover areas. Common courtesy also rules out smoking around food. I respect your right to smoke, if you are so inclined, and ask you to respect other people's rights to not be forced to inhale the byproduct of your pleasure. If you wish to smoke please go into the side yard and stand in the vicinity of the clothes line, which is in a separate area from where the gathering will be. Please dispose of your butts thoughtfully. If I see smoke or flame coming from any part of your body or anything you are holding and you are not near the clothes line I will assume you are on fire and you will be extinguished in the most expedient manner available. Smoke emitted by barbecues and chainsaws will be considered as a normal function of their operation and no action will be taken against them unless they become out of control.
Behavior of children is the responsibility of the accompanying parent.
Above all, have fun, meet new friends, swap ideas and get inspired.I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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Oldgreybeard thanked for this post
Euge liked this post
30th September 2019, 09:49 PM #37
See you there. Will bring a domino jig for demo.
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1st October 2019, 06:42 PM #38
I'll be there. I can't think of anything that would be of interest to others for swap or show n tell so it'll likely be just me.
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doug3030 thanked for this post
Simplicity liked this post
1st October 2019, 11:34 PM #39
Weather forecast for Sunday is a nice warm 27 degrees and partly cloudy. We can only hope they get it right for once.
Rain or shine it will be a great day regardless.I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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Simplicity liked this post
2nd October 2019, 04:12 PM #40
The missus ( Lorraine ) and I will be there.
Lorraine will look after her own food due to dietary needs.
seeya Sunday
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3rd October 2019, 11:19 AM #41
To update the attendance list:
Fully Confirmed:
Doug3030 and Jools
Bob (Oldgreybeard) and Maureen
Matt (Simplicity) and Sally
DonP and Lorraine
Awaiting final confirmation/
Davein OZ and Michelle
That bloke who turns up at GTG's whose name we dare not mention.
Dave (Davettc) and kids
Brian (Homey)
Today I am sending out my address to those who are fully confirmed and will send it to others once they have posted final confirmation of their attendance in the thread or by PMI got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
4th October 2019, 10:51 PM #42
The new UPDATED list:
Fully Confirmed:
Doug3030 and Jools
Bob (Oldgreybeard) and Maureen
Matt (Simplicity) and Sally
DonP and Lorraine
Awaiting final confirmation/
Davein OZ and Michelle
That bloke who turns up at GTG's whose name we dare not mention.
Brian (Homey)
Dave (Davettc) and kids
All those who have fully confirmed have been sent my address and mobile by PM or other means. Anyone else who is coming will be sent this information on full confirmation.
I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
5th October 2019, 01:28 PM #43
This time tomorrow we will probably be turning the BBQ on
It's not too late to get your name on the guest list.I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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Simplicity liked this post
6th October 2019, 08:38 AM #44
Hope youse all have a great day today!
Nothing succeeds like a budgie without a beak.
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6th October 2019, 09:42 AM #45
Again Doug, my apologies for not being able to be there today.
I do hope you all have a fantastic day and you don't burn the snags Doug with all the distractions around you
best wishes Euge
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