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Thread: Geoff the Drunk
5th March 2019, 10:38 PM #1
Geoff the Drunk
Geoff was staggering home drunk from the hotel at about 12.30pm, along the river bank.
There was a large gathering of people there, so Geoff decided to stop and see what was going on.
Next thing he knows, he's grabbed by the collar and dunked into the water, he's pulled out of the water
and the minister asks "Have you found Jesus?" to which Geoff replies "No" so the Minister dunks him again
and the minister asks again "Have you found Jesus?" to which Geoff replies "No" so the Minister dunks him yet again and the minister asks again "Have you found Jesus?" to which Geoff replies "No, are you sure this is where he went in??"
KrynTo grow old is mandatory, growing up is optional.
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6th March 2019, 08:08 AM #2
As the minister got stuck into his sermon, which was about temperance, Geoff stayed and listened. The minister wound up his service by saying "If I had my way, all the alcohol in Australia would be poured off the Murray Bridge! We shall now finish with a hymn. Do we have any suggestion?" Up shot Geoff's hand with a suggestion - Shall We Gather at the River.
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