Last question: Where do you get a "lumber wizard?" I took a look at what Bunnings calls "Jarrah" and cringed. It's basically a bunch of gum runs surrounded by some timber. A 1.8 metre board, about 120x40 now costs something like $38. Time to deal with recycled stuff, and your experience tells me that this device is going to pay for itself quite quickly.

Thanks in advance for any info you can supply.

Cellist Mike


Hi Mike, I see there have been other replies to Henry Bros etc. My 2 cents worth they were pretty good and agree with what has been said before. The blades PTMS sold me work fine too so it might come down to personal preference. I got my PTMS one back fromt he sharpeners today so will look forward to trying it out on some Jarrah

I bought my little lumber wizard from PTMS, I was using the the carbatec one but found mine was pretty useless, perhaps I just got a dud. The lumber wizard is the same price but seems much better. I would buy another lumber wizard before the carbatec one.

