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21st February 2018, 09:37 AM #16
Unfortunately CO poisoning still does occur - "(TC) Yasi was also indirectly responsible for the death of a 23-year-old man, who died of suffocation by generator exhaust fumes."
In An Instant Your Life CanChange Forever
21st February 2018, 10:26 AM #17
woah, woah
cooking with internal gas burners should be the primary issue.
please read this Gas that killed 12-year-old Airdrie boy came from on-demand hot water heater - Calgary - CBC News
flame failure is not the problem. CO is.
get yourself a CO monitor / alarmregards from Alberta, Canada
21st February 2018, 05:34 PM #18
Like others have said, if they are worried about combustion heaters/stoves etc., then it’s Carbon Monoxide (CO) which is far more deadly than Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
23rd February 2018, 10:26 PM #19
Whilst CO is indeed a potential problem, the issue was with the councils Building inspector.
He lied consistently, and in the court case CO was not even mentioned. It was used to sully us only in the eyes of his co-workers. ie throw enough mud and some of it will stick syndrome.
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