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3rd February 2018, 05:45 PM #226
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DaveTTC thanked for this post
3rd February 2018, 05:59 PM #227
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3rd February 2018, 06:08 PM #228
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aldav liked this post
3rd February 2018, 07:22 PM #229
Hi David, It has been a while. I went to the last HTPAA sale but you were not there. I am doing ok but still going slow with the back problems.
The main reason I give Dave stick about his shed is that he wouldn't let Uncle Al and me blow all the tumbleweeds into the corner with the compressor and blowtorch them.
DougI got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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3rd February 2018, 07:25 PM #230
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3rd February 2018, 07:34 PM #231
3rd February 2018, 08:01 PM #232
Friday would be no good for me, some of us have to work
. Are the home schoolers likely to be there on the Saturday?
3rd February 2018, 09:10 PM #233
I've lost the plot a little
Are we still talking a date change or not.,
I know that's not going to be a easy pleasey everyone thing.
Sally and myself are unsure whether we will be able to make the next Doeen GTG on the Australian day weekend.
But ,possibly if the date was changed ,but we also appreciate it can't be changed just for one.
Tho we would be there in sprit
Cheers Matt
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3rd February 2018, 10:45 PM #234
Hope you guys make it Matt.
We'll keep with tradition for the Australia Day Weekend. There may be another at a different time as well.
The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art
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3rd February 2018, 11:53 PM #235
Didn't see the suggestion book but how about some home made jigs/sleds/unique type purpose made aids
The person who never made a mistake never made anything
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4th February 2018, 08:13 AM #236
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4th February 2018, 10:49 AM #237
I go with all of the above .... oh I have a work ben h started at the 2016 gtg ...
The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art
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4th February 2018, 05:03 PM #238
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4th February 2018, 08:33 PM #239
A pic or 3
Ah, just spent the last 20 minutes or so catching up on all the posts and photos on this thread since leaving Sydney for the GTG.
A lovely drive south after I walked to the car with the last minute inclusion of the urn, then driving from Sydney to Deniliquin for an overnight stay, then on to Dooen, arriving to find Doug3030 and no DaveTTC. (Dave was in school, learning how to drive a forklift). As mentioned earlier, Doug and I attacked the tumbleweeds and accumulated crud in Dave's shed since the last GTG. I will bring my newly acquired Ryobi 18v blower next year to speed up the cleanup, but we might pass on setting them on fire! Those tumbleweeds were everywhere, and seemed to blow in whenever we weren't looking.
Crikey it was hot, hovering between 39 and 42 most of the time, and wow, wasn't the inside of the car hot at the end of the day. Maybe Benny can arrange for Hobart weather at Dooen next year. Speaking of Benny, it was a pleasure to meet such a nice young man and his parents. The shade of the Peppercorn trees made the front yard almost tolerable.
I can appreciate the work Dave and Raechell performed to get ready for the Forum invasion (except for the shed), and particularly for organising the BBQ and the associated food preparation. I am sure all attendees thank you for your hospitality.
A few pics of the weekend -
It was very evident where Dave's grass had been before the hot days had killed it and strong winds had blown it all away. I forgot to add 'lawn bowls' to the suggestion book before I left.
Parking on the grass.jpg
The front of Dave's house complete with Peppercorn trees which created some very welcome shade.
Dave's place.jpg
Attachment 429114
Under the trees. We even had a sandpit to play in!
Under the Peppercorn trees.jpg Under the Peppercorn trees2.jpg
Group photo on Australia Day after a turning demo in Dave's shed.
From left - DaveTTC with Sammy, KBs PensNmore, rwbuild in blue shirt, Treecycle, doug3030, Uncle Al, David Mitchell, Simplicity, DougCarr, Wimmera Jack and non Forum member Alex.
Group photo.jpg
Sammy was kept busy delivering ice blocks to keep us cool, and it worked well!
From left - Wimmera Jack, Simplicity, non members Dan & Katt in background, Dai Sensei in yellow, Benny towards the back with his mum Miriam behind him, non member Wayne in grey T shirt, Benny's Dad behind doug3030, non member Alex standing with white hat, dougcarr with red ice block and rwbuild.
Ice blocks.jpg Ice block time.jpg
Some of the projects completed by the kids-
Completed projects.jpg
Dai Sensei cutting a Peppercorn stump with an 82 Volt battery powered chain saw.
Dai Sensei cutting Pepercorn stump.jpg
A very well behaved travelling companion for Dai Sensei, Billy.
Pencil box kits ready for assembly.
Pencil box kits.jpg
Site of the proposed lawn bowls green. Dave will have to make sure the grass doesn't blow away this time, or maybe he will just use some green paint. There was a ride on mower near the side fence, but it was looking a bit sad and neglected, mainly due to lack of use.
Backyard bowling green.jpg
I left on the Monday for the trip home, staying in Gundagai for the night. A great weekend enjoyed by all.
Thank you Dave and Raechell.
(I'm sorry the photos aren't as big as some others, I think it has something to do with uploading from a phone, whereas I just used the files on my computer.)
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4th February 2018, 08:50 PM #240
Thank you Uncle Al for the beaut photos and log of the event....Peter
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