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Thread: Toll Roads In General
3rd January 2018, 04:21 PM #16
3rd January 2018, 06:30 PM #17
There is, however a perfectly legitimate and legal way to get around this, but it is not well known...[/QUOTE]
And will it work in NSW? My son drives a Ute
TTLearning to make big bits of wood smaller......
3rd January 2018, 07:01 PM #18
NSW is a bit more sensible. A vehicle is either Class A or Class B. or
Class A -- A three axle vehicle under 2.0 metres in height or a two axle vehicle under 2.8 metres in height or a vehicle that is 12.5 metres or less in length and 2.8 metres or less in height
Class B -- everything else. Toll charges - Sydney Motorways - Roads and Maritime Services
So a typical ute is a Class Aregards from Alberta, Canada
3rd January 2018, 07:29 PM #19
And will it work in NSW? My son drives a Ute[/QUOTE]
In fact, if your son with the ute and his NSW e-tag goes to Melbourne and uses a toll road, he will be charged the toll rate for a car, not a light commercial vehicle, so he is better off keeping his NSW e-tag.
DougI got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
3rd January 2018, 07:41 PM #20
I have a Dyna, which is basically a big ute, which used to get car tolls, then went up to light commercial, so now I go the long way around, but if there is an out, I'd like to know.
3rd January 2018, 08:49 PM #21
4th January 2018, 09:35 AM #22
Thanks Doug.
4th January 2018, 01:43 PM #23
I also drive a Colorado, can I have the PM too please Doug.
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4th January 2018, 02:01 PM #24
Ask and you shall receive, Dallas.
I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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4th January 2018, 02:15 PM #25
I had a conversation last fall with a government official who was whinging (I'm learning Australian!) about 'lack of (g'ment) money'. I pointed out that it is the government that manufactures money thus it always has enough money and if it complains about not having enough money it's lying.
Innovations are those useful things that, by dint of chance, manage to survive the stupidity and destructive tendencies inherent in human nature.
4th January 2018, 03:02 PM #26
I have to say that toll roads are one of my pet hates so excuse me for a moment while I check the girth strap and hop up onto my hobby horse.
Toll roads are, I think, in Australia at any rate are a feature of motorways both urban and the rural intercity highways. As somebody who lives out a fair distance into the bush visits to the city tend to catch me out. This is because I don't wish to pay to go on these toll roads. My feelings are that the original intention was that our vehicle registration pays for our roads. If these roads are now built for revenue by the private sector why hasn't the government handed back our registration money?
Just to return to the tolls themselves, sometimes I have to use them or on several occasions I have found myself on the toll road before I have realised: Too late now. Although the vehicle manufacturer included a reverse gear I don't think it was intended to be used for four Km or more (and against the traffic flow). So I continue and make a note of the number or website I have to visit to pay up. Then I forget. About a week or ten days later I get a notice to pay the two dollars or whatever it was plus about ten dollars in administration fees!
Actually the last time they said they would waive the admin fee if I subscribed to the E-toll (I don't quite recall if that is it's exact name) and I thought what wonderful people: Sensibility at last. When I looked into it I had to keep $20 permanently in the account. I probably can afford to do that but on principle I won't as it would take me at least five years to use that up.
I take heart in the fact that because I and others like me have boycotted the use of tolls in Brisbane those toll roads ( tunnels in some cases) are losing money. My understanding is that certainly a proportion of people using those roads only do so because they can charge it up to their company or business.
Stepping down off the old nag.
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
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4th January 2018, 03:42 PM #27rrich Guest
My guess would be to add a shell over the bed of the ute(?) or pickup truck.
4th January 2018, 04:17 PM #28
vehicle registration fees make a small contribution towards the roads budget. However, the biggest contributor is Fuel excise and the GST on that Excise. In 2016/17 Commonwealth excise on vehicle fuels amounted to about $18.3 Billion. It's that $18.3 B that could pay for construction of toll roads, but of course, our benevolent pollies would rather spend much of it on other things.
regards from Alberta, Canada
4th January 2018, 08:11 PM #29
So far we don't have toll roads here in WA (perhaps a piece of carrot to also encourage tourism ) but give the Bean counters enough inspiration with developmental attitudes & surely enough it will happen here.
Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.
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