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29th December 2017, 05:04 AM #1
Seeking advice - sanding natural hardwood
Hi! I'm working on cleaning out my backyard and attempting to use some of the wood to make something other than firewood... I'm working on a bench right now and have been sanding with a mouse sander for days; I think I finally burnt the motor out and still have a long way to go. Can anyone recommend the proper tool I should buy to finish sanding the ends of the logs? Thank you!
29th December 2017, 09:00 AM #2
A belt sander would be my choice. Photos of what you are building would be good.
29th December 2017, 09:57 AM #3
Yes, photos would be good.
Perhaps along with the belt sander, clean cross cuts on your logs would also help.regards from Alberta, Canada
29th December 2017, 10:43 AM #4
An angle grinder with a flat flap sanding wheel makes very short work of the rough stuff!
This style:
30th December 2017, 01:00 PM #5
As stated above, flap sander on grinder first, belt sander working up from coarse to fine grits second, random orbital sander working the grits up third. If you don’t have this sort of gear you may be able to hire it but still pay for the consumables. Your mouse sander was never designed to do what you were trying to do with it.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
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