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  1. #46
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    The only time single doses are handed out to take home is in the event of a cyclone coming or public holidays.

    yep and not only that the take away's were mixed with orange juice to stop them hitting up (bit nasty to shoot up with OJ) and that was to also help break the cycle of needle use,

    but I think the system had fallen down somewhat these days there is not mentor or support network like their used to be for the addicts and
    Your right 2L that's a huge amount of methadone.

    well this is a sad thread I think I'll go and light a candle for little Rose and hug my kids
    take care guys
    as angry as this waste of life makes us
    take a deep breath and know that we who feel the loss of little roses' life
    are keeping her spirit alive
    Cheers Bio

    Signatures should be an evolving Machination

    Stay human

  2. #47
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    Hi All,

    This was a very evil story and it will be interesting to see how it turns out. The Listening Device stuff will probably have them sunk.

    What is interesting is the attitude that people have to druggies. I am no bleeding heart, have worked in the drug squad squad and on the streets.

    I have pity for them. Lots say they take it by choice so #$@% em.

    But heres the thing. Think of the thing that you would like most but cant afford. For me it would be a new BMW M series or a shed full of new tools .

    Now pick yours and to get it all you need to do is go down to a street corner and let a complete stranger abuse you. (I will leave this to your imagination, and pretty woman the movie is not an accurrate precis of prostitution).

    Would i do it to get my M series. Not on your life:mad: . Would you do it to get your desire :confused: . Probably not.

    But these people do it day in day out. Or rob, steal and sometimes kill.

    Many have ended up as users after being abused by family and friends at a young age. Not all but a lot have serious mental issues and have ended up falling into the lifestyle, not by choice.

    Others have chosen the lifestyle, gotten hooked and are now stuck.

    Legalising illicit drugs in my opinion is the only way to address the issue. It protects us from them because they dont need to steal our stuff to buy it, helps them because they get the right dose, are registered and so can be tracked and given medical and mental assistance.

    The cost savings, even after paying for thier drugs, would be huge. Take just the LD in that druggies house. The cost is huge, the instal and monitoring around the clock are huge.

    The usual arguements come up;

    1. No one makes them take drugs, but I suppose no one makes fat people eat too much and need heart surgery, dont suppose anyone makes people smoke so they need hospitalsation later in lifeetc

    2. I shouldnt have to pay for thier drugs. Well we already do, we pay for the courts, higher insurance costs, the courts and personal loss. The cost is not huge. Drugs are expensive cause their illegal.

    Having worked the streets the system aint working and never will while ever the stuff is illegal.. There are heaps of things the cops can be doing than worrying about druggies and associated crime.


    (ducks for cover)

  3. #48
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    People will always use drugs.
    Did you see the latest stupidity in QLD? Sniffer dogs at clubs to find people with ecstacy or speed. What a farken huge waste of resources.


  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gingermick
    People will always use drugs.
    Did you see the latest stupidity in QLD? Sniffer dogs at clubs to find people with ecstacy or speed. What a farken huge waste of resources.
    Spot on GingerMcik

    Those eccie users cause sooooooo much trouble . All they want is to give you a cuddle.



  5. #50
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    I had the unfortunate experience of being stuck next to a methadone addict on the train in Sydney 11 years ago. After offering me some at 8:00 am he told me the chemists issue single doses and watch the recipient drink it, in theory. He said most where too busy and left the recipient to do what they liked, he had a small bottle he would poor it into for last use.

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gingermick
    Sniffer dogs at clubs to find people with ecstacy or speed. What a farken huge waste of resources.

    Fancy that... Police drug dogs looking for drugs. Can't see how that one got allowed.


    BTW Ecstacy and speed are illegal you know. Plenty of people die taking party drugs.
    Is there anything easier done than said?
    - Stacky. The bottom pub, Cobram.

  7. #52
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    And a hundred times more die from alcohol related incidents . Dogs as your aware, require handlers. Thats a wasted resource.


  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by womble
    I hope they look at just how there was that amount of methodone in a private home anyway. I used to work for people who ran a methodone clinic and there are very strict rules about giving it out in QLD ie: they had to take it there and then in front of the chemist when they were given their dose. This was to ensure that they received their proper dose, and couldn't walk out the door and stockpile/sell it later on. The only time single doses are handed out to take home is in the event of a cyclone coming or public holidays.
    That's what I said in post #9.

    I've been thinking about this a bit. Dangerous I know, but anyway, here tis.

    1. The normal starting dose of 'done is 100ml for your typical average to heavy drug user. Pretty much every one starts on 100ml.
    2. A dimetap bottle would be no bigger than 100ml.
    3. The child is reported to have enough 'done in her "to kill an adult" (how the media would know that is beyond me)
    4. You would have to assume that the dosage to kill an adult would be, conservatively, 150 - 200 ml.
    5. The ADULT dose of most cough medicines is 12ml.
    6. To suggest that you've given a child two bottles of dimetap in a few days and not know that you're in fact giving them methadone is highly improbable. What happened when the bottle ran out the first time?...Topped it up with more then forgot again????


    Disclaimer: The above is based on the accuracy (?) of media reporting and general supposition and does not reflect the true version of events in any way. (got you thinking but)
    Is there anything easier done than said?
    - Stacky. The bottom pub, Cobram.

  9. #54
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    The drug dogs and handlers are all ready there waiting for a raid or similar to do. So its a case of using a resource that would be sitting around otherwise.

    Alcohol is legal...drugs aren't.
    Is there anything easier done than said?
    - Stacky. The bottom pub, Cobram.

  10. #55
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    FYI and DAMHIK Methadone liquid comes with a concentration of 5mg/ml. The dispensary adds orange juice or water and bulks takeaways out to fill the bottle. Now 100mg of methadone is an awful lot. It would make casual users OD. A teaspoon of the undiluted stuff would contain 25mg which would make a child very, very sick, most program starters are put on 20mg (4ml) to start, then go back to doctor after first dose and go up or stay put. This is always diluted before being given to client.
    This bloke had the undiluted stuff you would have to assume.
    And DanP, if the laws are there to protect us from ourselves, then surely smoking cigarettes would be illegal.
    And they can all be re-tasked.


  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gingermick
    And they can all be re-tasked.
    So you would just have a free for all?

    Why don't we just make all drugs legal and then we can all step over the near comatose druggies like they do in Springvale or Cabramatta. Or, we can have all the violence related crime that comes with heavy speed use. Or, the masses of suicides that come with eccy users when they come down hard.

    That would be an interesting society to live in...
    Is there anything easier done than said?
    - Stacky. The bottom pub, Cobram.

  12. #57
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    I dont think that the legal status of drugs has impacted on their use and abuse. Just created a black market.
    And I can't answer for you, but if smack was available at my local shop I wouldn't go anywhere near it as I don't want to be controlled by a substance.
    If people are educated properly about drugs they can make sensible decisions. As long as they are taboo they will be attractive. And people are always going to use drugs.
    It is a tough one but I can see that the staus-quo isn't working. Perhaps if possession wasn't a summary offence; you just get a ticket like speeding (velocity of car).
    And we could spend the money saved on educating our kids. My kids will be well educated and hence will be able to say no and give a sensible reason. (Or I'll yell at them for a month)


  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazzler

    Having worked the streets the system aint working and never will while ever the stuff is illegal.. There are heaps of things the cops can be doing than worrying about druggies and associated crime.
    Good points Dazzler. Remember what happened in the US when they banned alcohol, organised crime flourished. Same thing with drugs.
    If at first you don't succeed, give something else a go. Life is far too short to waste time trying.

  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gumby
    Good points Dazzler. Remember what happened in the US when they banned alcohol, organised crime flourished. Same thing with drugs.
    Thanks Gumby,

    i always have a chuckle when I hear the PM and Police Commissioners talk about our "war on drugs", though I suppose the ridiculous "war on terror" has taken the limelight a bit, we havent even picked a fight with the drug importers yet. A few years ago there was a bust of 850k (or 580???) of cocaine. The price spiked for a day in Sydney and then settled back to normal.

    Plus the added problem of drug related corruption and its a real mess.

    One of the interesting thing of working the streets is to watch a drug user slowly decay. About seven years ago I came across a 15yo female shoplifter who was a lovely girl, troubled but nice. Over the next few years her drug use took control and there is a pictorial history on her arrest screens and it is just like she is slowly rotting away. Very sad.

    Now back to the shed.....putting the handles on my new bench and its finished.



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