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Thread: Censorship on this Forum
27th September 2005, 12:11 AM #61
"Let's leave those words where they belong - in the shop"......
What are ya? Sums ortaflamin' idjut??? Use them sorta words inna shop and you are gunna get run outa town ya fowl mouthed idjut!!! That sorta lingo belongs in the SHED... or maybe in the back paddock when them old ewewes is playin' up or p'raps when yer fishin' and you hook the wrong mullet...
"Shops" is where you go "Shopping" bonehead, them stupid, ugly (compared to ), world invading, hurricane loving, groundhog watchin' plonkers from Hamerica use the word all wrong all of the time and the poor pricks (OOPS!!) don't even know we are all laughin' at their crook spellig an gramma!
27th September 2005, 09:32 AM #62
You forgot to mention "lumber" Chris!
Jack the Lad.
27th September 2005, 09:47 AM #63
I've got no problem with the censorship. Anyway, we have bugger all say in it, since we don't run the forum. Even if we decide here that it's all OK and swearing should be allowed, guess what? It wont change a thing
My Grandfather never swore. Well, he used to say 'heck' sometimes. If he said 'bugger' you knew things were really bad. One night, his mother in law was sitting in the lounge room. She had this obsession with stoking the fire. Every few minutes she'd get up out of her chair and give it a prod with the poker. The old man was getting more and more agitated about it. Finally, enough was enough. He fixed her with a look and murmured "get to bed, woman...". He didn't need to swear to get his point across."I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
30th September 2005, 02:07 PM #64
Here I am quickly onto this one
. I recon the forum is
as it is. Keep it the way it is
And for the moderators what a difficult, diligent, dedicated and often thankless job
There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness"
(Man was born to hunt and kill)
30th September 2005, 02:11 PM #65
thankless my @rse, everyone on this forum is constantly praising them for the wonderful job they do!
30th September 2005, 03:03 PM #66
Ok they do a crap job and they annoy me.
Photo Gallery
30th September 2005, 03:19 PM #67
If they want to censor swear words so what??
The information sharied on this forum is extremely valuable and if the rules are that we can't swear, well, fair enough. It also helps us use english to properly express ourselves instead of just diving into the grab bag of expletives when making a point.
Personally i am no saint and will regularly indulge in the use of the magic words any old time but because i am prepared to watch my language in this place, I have the not inconsiderable resources at my disposal.
If you want to use bad language there are thousads of other foums on the web where you can say whatever you like. Why don't you go to them and have your vicarious pleasure.
I just dont get why it is a big deal to the OP.
my 2c worthray c
dunno what's more fun, buyin' the tools or usin' em'
2nd October 2005, 08:28 PM #68
Originally Posted by Grunt
You do a crap job and you annoy them.
2nd October 2005, 11:09 PM #69
To Metaboman: No it borders on Politics.
2nd October 2005, 11:37 PM #70Nooo.
You do a crap job and you annoy them.
AlPhoto Gallery
3rd October 2005, 07:53 AM #71
Many of you have mentioned 'protecting' ladies from bad language. Isn't that presumptious and infers that the 'little lady' needs your protection and in some way is inferior? Try telling that to most women, particluarly those under 40! You'd come away bleeding.[/QUOTE]
well being one of the members who does not possess the "Y" chromosome I don't take offense if people use expletives but if my children are around then I'll step in and usually ask to tone it down or keep out the ripe fruit so to speak
I look at it this way if some one swears and they swear alot that's part of them their intrinsic make up
but as Kids are great mimics and don't understand the nature of the language they are using they will repeat those words.
I was rushing past this stupid printer stand with no shoes on in my computer room and I gave it a really good kick with my foot so hard that the second last toe on my left foot ended up at right angles to the foot
Needless to say both rug rats in the same room saw this and the only thing I yelled and believe me I yelled out was REFRIGERATOR LOL
hubby and I made a conscious substitution anytime we would normally swear but after no. 1 son was born we made an effort and its now become habit
so instead of saying a swear word we tend to say Refrigerator
works for us but I do agree kids if they read this forum shouldn't have to read those words
Cheers Bio____________________________________
Signatures should be an evolving Machination
Stay human
3rd October 2005, 08:17 AM #72
Originally Posted by biotechy2k
3rd October 2005, 08:38 AM #73
Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.
3rd October 2005, 09:43 AM #74
Originally Posted by doug the slug
But when I've stabbed myself in the hand with an awl and someone walks into the work area with their kiddy winkles it is not good for business to let one rip so I have had people ask why I use the word refrigerator and most of them agree and I'm not embarrased by a precocious child saying Daddy she said a Bad word LOL
But the old chap next door who does some serious metal work in his work room under his house (Has a tendency to stuff up quiet abit) if you can tell by the
Usually Lound clang crash and then followed by some incredible expletive,
is a bit embarassing when you have visitors sitting on the back deck and their kids are over, I tend to apologise for his words if they can hear them clearly
I don't think this forum is overly moderated it has a nice flow and some of you chaps have an excellent sense of humour which is great,
I would hate to be attacked for spelling which are usually typos as I type very fast on a keyboard and they are much more sensitve than the old manual typewritter I learnt on 30 yrs ago
In fact I try not to swear at my key board because it is so sensitive
Cheers Bio____________________________________
Signatures should be an evolving Machination
Stay human
3rd October 2005, 09:50 AM #75
Originally Posted by biotechy2k
Which then becomes a defacto swearword.Kind of defeats the purpose and is now another word to be put in the swear detector.
Instead of saying "refrigerator" a better way is to let your mind, and not your emotions, control your talking.
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