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Thread: Car Trouble
9th September 2017, 03:34 PM #1
Car Trouble
A friend of mine recently went on a trip and had to stop at a rest
area on the Interstate. She took her keys, left her purse and mobile
phone in the car, and went to the restroom.
When she returned, her remote wouldn't unlock the door and she
panicked. "What am I going to do? My mobile phone is still in the car
and I can't call the NRMA!"
Her 5 year old daughter, overhearing this asked, "Mummy have you tried the key?"Androgens Order
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The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naïve forgive and forget; the wise forgive but never forget.
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10th September 2017, 08:27 AM #2rrich Guest
I was in shopping center parking lot when a YL approached. She asked to borrow my phone to call home. The battery in her remote had died as was going to have a spare remote brought out from home. I asked for her keys and used the key to unlock the door. Her comment was, "What will they think of next?
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