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1st February 2017, 11:35 PM #1
Melbourne FGT - February 2017 - lets get the conversation started
Hi Melbournites and others living close by
It is still Summer and the weather is not bad for Victoria.
Surely someone wants to host a shed visit so we can get away from Box Hill RSL on the last Monday last resort scenario.
Anyone up for it? Any great ideas?
Just putting it out there for consideration.
PS: I hosted a shed visit at my place in October and am happy to make that the Annual October event if people want that. Obviously Dave's Dooen event is generally accepted as the January meeting. Lets fill the calendar up in 2017I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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2nd February 2017, 08:40 AM #2
Well done Doug!!
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Simplicity liked this post
3rd February 2017, 02:54 PM #3
umm 2017
Of course the title of the thread was a typo - but nobody noticed did they?
Now I am getting all depressed because nobody ever reads my posts
DougI got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
3rd February 2017, 03:53 PM #4
There you go, fixed it for you.
(See, at least one forum member read at least one of your posts.)
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Simplicity liked this post
3rd February 2017, 04:08 PM #5
What did I miss here??
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Simplicity liked this post
3rd February 2017, 05:39 PM #6
I thought it was an error, but was not sure if there was to be a GTG this month or not till next year, 2018 which is what the title implied.
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Simplicity liked this post
16th February 2017, 09:56 PM #7
Just pushing this forward again
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
27th February 2017, 09:07 AM #8
Big projects have been on lockdown for a while and now a while longer.
Need a WW fix something awful!
Is this still on?
And just making sure it's this evening?
If it is then what time?Thanks,
Barry G. Sumpter
May Yesterdays Tears Quench the Thirst for Tomorrows Revenge
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crowie liked this post
27th February 2017, 10:50 AM #9
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barrysumpter liked this post
27th February 2017, 01:43 PM #10
looks fairly big.
Any other info about where the GtG will take place within?Thanks,
Barry G. Sumpter
May Yesterdays Tears Quench the Thirst for Tomorrows Revenge
27th February 2017, 03:11 PM #11
28th February 2017, 04:55 PM #12
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28th February 2017, 08:12 PM #13
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28th February 2017, 09:18 PM #14
It happened. I can attest to that and it was a good night, pity you could not make it.
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28th February 2017, 10:13 PM #15
It was one of those no win scenarios for me. I had a medical appointment that evening then in addition to that I had to go out and pick up my stepdaughter after she tried to shunt a couple of other cars along the Princess Highway. Believe me - I would have rather been there
DougI got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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