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6th March 2003, 05:06 PM #1
Timber and Working with Wood Shows 2003
For those who don't know Timber and Wood Working Shows for 2003.
Auckland March 28-30 Auckland Showgrounds
Brisbane May 23-25 RNAIA Showgrounds
Sydney June 20-22 Fox Moore Park
Adelaide July 25-27 Royal Adelaide Showground
Canberra September 5-7 Exhibition Park
Melbourne October 3-5 Melbourne Exhibition Centre
Full details at http://www.woodworkingexh.com
6th March 2003, 05:28 PM #2
That'd be right. Perth misses out again. $#@*&%(
6th March 2003, 09:37 PM #3
Robert,I've spoken to a couple of the usual merchants that demonstrate and show their product and the concensus is that for the cost of attending two shows a year for the area required has become prohibitive for response by the W.A. woodworking public.
Both described the shows as a selling forum with little regard to quality of product and the meaningless jargon proffered and little attention paid to demonstration of product.
I can empathise somewhat with their view that the genuine interested/buying woodworking public require full explanation/demonstration of product to satisfy their needs.
Failure to comply and the public will turn away unless of course in their own mind they are dollar driven and care less for quality.
Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.
6th March 2003, 11:40 PM #4
I take it that the opposition woodwork show will occur, or are we to be denied both?
I was led to believe that there was to be a show in Perth in August. Saw it in a mag or some such.
7th March 2003, 07:27 AM #5
You've got a permanent one at Timbecon over there,but do have to sympathise with you W.A. is the forgotten state when it comes to things of this nature.
Tried to get east coast football results whilst over there visiting my daughter last year.Fat chance!:mad:
7th March 2003, 10:56 AM #6
Think you will find that WA is missing out on the WWW Show because no one will support it. Not because the organizers don't want to stage it.
All other states only have 1 show a year whilst WA has had 2. The other show is, I believe run by the clubs or was originally set up by them or similar. It is better than the WWW Show and is extremely well patronised.
The WWW was never a raging success as it was virtually boycotted by many WAlians woodies to the point that they have finally pulled the plug. It had also been cancelled in the past due to lack of interest.
You do the sums.
For a little mob like us to come over to WA and do the WWW Show it costs a minimum of $5,000 even more when you take into account lost production time of around 2 weeks. We would have to sell over $10,000 worth of our products just to cover the cost of the cost of doing the show and our production cost. We would then have to sell another $10,000 worth to get around a $4,000 profit to justify being there in the first place.
We can't sell that much at a Melb or Sydney show so we sure as hell aint guna do it in WA. Matter of fact last time went to WA was for the other show (the BIG one0 and we made such a killing that we spent the last of our profits from the show on a good feed at the Mongolian Restaurant in Adelaide on the way home. If we do that well at the big show imagine how we'd go at the other one.
Now. Take the above and multiply by at least 10 and you have the cost to someone like Mik International.
The Show would probably be lucky to get 10,000 people through the door and 60% of them would be tyre kickers just there for a day out, 20% would be woodies with short arms and long pockets and a budget that consists of the cash their wives allowed them to carry in their pocket, 19% would look, then go to Timbecon and buy it after the show cause they get extra points for buying at the shop.
And the other 1% would be John Saxtons, with a credit card and a desperate need to duy everything in sight.
Unfortunately, try as they might the John of this world can't keep a sinking ship afloat.
My view of the situation.
Cheers - Neil
PS You already have a great show there so focus your attentiions on that and not on what the Eastern States has. Believe me you aren't missing out on much.Last edited by ubeaut; 7th March 2003 at 11:29 AM.
7th March 2003, 11:33 PM #7
Two shows?
Firstly, in Melb, I can't afford the stuff I buy from 1 show.
How much wood, jigs, and stuff do you need?
At least you've got a show, imagine living hours away from Melbourne, would it be worth traveling 5 hours from Mildura?
Tassie doesn't have one.
Be happy - GC
8th March 2003, 08:48 PM #8
the reason Tassie doesn't have a WWW show is that the admittion costs would be SSSSOOOOOO expensive.. imagine charging per head down there!!!!
kevI try and do new things twice.. the first time to see if I can do it.. the second time to see if I like it
10th March 2003, 12:45 AM #9
W.A.Woodworking show date
I believe the W.A.woodworking show dates to be August 15/16/17 which is usually run by the Fine woodworking Group thru a intermediary promotor.
Neil as usual has covered all the bases in his explanation to the why's and wherefores concerning W.A. shows.Primarily one of distance to cater for a smaller woodworking public with limited $$$$ in their back pocket to spread around moreover when there are 2 shows to hold their interest.
There are not enough seriously minded folk I feel justify their presence at some of these shows.
I've heard folk complain that they've driven/travelled miles and still complain that they can get it cheaper back home.Firstly I ask my self are they here just to see what they can bargain away to justify their presence to themselves and their kin,or are they the type who just will not spend on principle that their budget does not recognise a quality product that may be demonstrated or has a fair showing.
There are reasons too many to mention why each and every individual attends these shows but for mine it is to see new/innovative ideas being shown and possibly demonstrated that may somewhat enhance my approach to my own woodworking.Like all else and contrary to belief I do watch my pennies but I will spend if I can feel the need to warrant the item/s at home .
The unfortunate negative that has crept into these shows over the years I feel and it may be a necessary evil in terms for the really hard pressed in dollar terms is the amount of mass produced junky type stalls that promoters fill these halls with...and they must make a killing every time judging by the flocking of the mob, but the shows are there for all and in fairness everything must co-exist, though I hope in the future not at the expense of the quality stalls that demonstrate and have faith in their product.
Now to give Visa a plug ...I love my Visa,My contacts in the industry love my Visa, so I get bloody good discounts...but I can't get hold of my Visa cos 'Er indoors controls my Visa sometimes with scissors poised.
Just my 1% worth
Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.
17th May 2003, 10:56 AM #10
Re: W.A.Woodworking show date
Originally posted by John Saxton
I believe the W.A.woodworking show dates to be August 15/16/17 which is usually run by the Fine woodworking Group thru a intermediary promotor.
Neil as usual has covered all the bases in his explanation to the why's and wherefores concerning W.A. shows.Primarily one of distance to cater for a smaller woodworking public with limited $$$$ in their back pocket to spread around moreover when there are 2 shows to hold their interest.
There are reasons too many to mention why each and every individual attends these shows but for mine it is to see new/innovative ideas being shown and possibly demonstrated that may somewhat enhance my approach to my own woodworking.Like all else and contrary to belief I do watch my pennies but I will spend if I can feel the need to warrant the item/s at home .
Just my 1% worth
"We are always looking out for new and innovative ideas" as John has quoted above, and hopefully my efforts with demonstration on the router will inspire others to try my techniques.
I hope to see you at the show. I will be on Demonstration stand 5 and I am grateful to TIMBECON for sponsoring my trip with the help from Hitachi Makita Triton for the use of their routers and Carb-I-Tool for a range of Cutters.
Please give support to my sponsors
my new Home page will give a sample of what I will be demonstrating
www.wa1.quik.com.au/todLast edited by Template Tom; 17th May 2003 at 11:06 AM.
Learn new Routing skills with the use of the template guides
Log on to You Tube for a collection of videos 'Routing with Tom O'Donnell'
18th May 2003, 08:44 PM #11
Good website there Tom,I've bookmarked it.
Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.
19th May 2003, 12:11 AM #12
THanks John
Still a couple of things that have gone wrong. I'll have to fix it next time I have a chance to get at it
TomLearn new Routing skills with the use of the template guides
Log on to You Tube for a collection of videos 'Routing with Tom O'Donnell'
28th May 2003, 11:33 AM #13
show information
i am new to woodworking.
and found your artical every helpfull about the show in june.
thank you
des dyer
28th May 2003, 03:17 PM #14
Re: show information
Hi Des
Thank you for your comments I trust that you are from NSW so please look me up at the Sydney Show.
TomOriginally posted by des dyer
i am new to woodworking.
and found your artical every helpfull about the show in june.
thank you
des dyerLearn new Routing skills with the use of the template guides
Log on to You Tube for a collection of videos 'Routing with Tom O'Donnell'
29th May 2003, 12:42 AM #15
Mildura Woodshow
Not all the woodshows happen in the cities!
Mildura will be holding it's Bi-annual Woodshow this year, Sept 20th-21st. Keep checking this post for further updates.
(happens to fall in school hol's)
Regards Sandman.